Anonymous ID: 57284b Nov. 13, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19910363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1091

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Microsoft Election Steal Dig


>>19908404 Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

>>19908445 a 5-step 'Election Protection Commitments' plan. Content Credentials. meme stamp watermarks and C2PA

>>19908497, >>19908536 maybe one of the reasons they lost their shit when Musk took over twitter?? The Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) was announced by Adobe in 2019 in partnership with Twitter and the New York Times

>CAI > C_A

>>19908445 There is no Step 5

>>19908628 Microsoft announces new steps to help protect elections. Blog post by Brad Smith, Microsoft Vice Chair and President, and Teresa Hutson, Corporate Vice President, Technology for Fundamental Rights

>>19908628 Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) and steps 1 and 2 of their "5 step plan"

>>19908638 steps 3 and 4. Looks at these clowns they list in their "step 5"

>>19908661 M$ teaming up with NASED, Megan Wolfe, Dominion, ES&S, Hartintercivic, knowink

Runbeck, Smartmatic and others to "protect our elections"

>>19909690 Teresa Hutson M$ VP of ESG & CSR. On a what looks like a weird discussion forum website where diversity niggers can "have confidential conversations you can’t have anywhere else."

>>19909728 This looks like some sort of United Nations or EU connected? Vienna+30 Symposium

>>19909769, >>19909801, >>19909908 The Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (formerly Miburo) team and old friend Clint Watts of Hamilton 68 fame

>>19909879 Devex speaks to Microsoft’s Teresa Hutson about the company’s new Journalism Hub and the role of technology in the future of journalism. M$ partners with the like of NewsGuard

>>19909985 Connections to most old frenz like Michael McFaul, Michael Morrell, and Podesta via the Alliance for Securing Democracy

>>19910243 Teresa Hutson collaborating with the University of Washington. Uof W was one of thefounding partners for the Election Integrity Partnership