You won't do shit
I still think that faggot is just another flyingonion persona.
But don't tell they/them that!
>how many hospitals need to be bombed before USA sends a stern letter?
We're funding it, retard.
Better question would be how do we stop?
Shoulda screenshot'd that vid where he was saying we should all live inside a giant globohomo grid
>coincidentally shaped like a star of david
Ever since October 7th all the Jew-obsessed shills went back to /pol
Haven't you been debriefed?
>doesn't understand sarcasm
Ah yes, I see. Maybe you should go back wherever you came from then!
>next big happening?
Might keep shitpostin, haven't decided
>snazzy image
Hello Mr. Pig Cat
>I'm from here.
I'm a threat to society
>and the real doge hasnt' been here for six years.
I heard he went to the ol' Pig farm.