Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 16, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19926444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7441

Uh Oh! The Search of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is Done;NO HAMAS TUNNELS or COMMAND CENTER


Nov 16, 2023


Israel now has a really big problem.  Their troops stormed into the Al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip and searched it from top to bottom, for the alleged HAMAS Tunnels and Operations Center.  There were none.


For weeks, Israel has claimed that Hamas "uses hospitals, schools, refugee camps, for their network of tunnels to launch attacks upon Israel."  These claims arose after public outcry because Israel BOMBED hospitals, Mosques, Churches, Schools, Universities, Refugee Camps, and even a convoy of Ambulances, claiming it was all "Hamas-related."


Well, as of last night, the search of Al-Shifa hospital, by armed IDF troops is done.   What did they find?  Nothing.


No tunnels.  No operational command post.


Well, this is quite a problem!  So . . . . the lies had to start, and start fast.


Israeli News Media, reporting that no tunnels or operations center was found at or under Al-Shifa hospital, took the extraordinary step of then-claiming "Al-Shifa Hospital delayed the IDF from getting-in to search, for three days.  And during those three days, they helped Hamas "get rid of evidence" and . . . . wait for it . . . .  seal the tunnel entrances with concrete and ceramic tile!   Here. Watch them tell this tale:


BREAKINGIsrael admits there are no tunnels being used under Al Shifa hospital. They are all concreted up. i.e THERE WAS NO HAMAS COMMAND CENTRE under #AlShifaHospital.


They then admit that Israel will dig the tunnels up themselves. Wait what?

Isn't digging tunnels under…

— Syrian Girl (@Partisangirl) November 16, 2023


But these media reports are apparently not good enough, so the IDF has begun telling its own tales.   In the brief video below, you will see an armed IDF soldier, pointing to a paper on a wall with Arabic writing on it, and claiming: This is a list of Terrorists who guarded the (Israeli) hostages.  The names of terrorists, in Arabic writing, appears for each day.  

Here, watch for a minute:


Well . . .  Internet sleuths had the image on the wall translated and, it turns out, the alleged "Terrorist names in Arabic writing" were no such thing.  The paper on the wall,was a hand made CALENDAR.  The Arabic Writing, when machine translated, came back as "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday."


They lied.




. . . . . and got caught lying . . . . . again.


Earlier this week, the IDF showed images from inside Al-Shifa hospital and told the world that the photo below was "a tunnel entrance" used by Hamas.


Turned out, it was the service entry to the hospital ELEVATOR SHAFTS.   This is the entrance used to get to the hydraulic pistons beneath each elevator, that cause it to go up and down.   It also allows access to the sump pumps in the shafts, which pump out any ground water that accumulated in the shafts.


So Israel and its IDF was caught lying . . . again.



Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 16, 2023, 3:14 p.m. No.19928005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8219 >>9200 >>0678

Israeli Forces Comb Gaza Hospital for 2nd Day


Nov 16, 2023 New York Times


Israel's military searches Gaza's largest hospital, which it says hid a secret Hamas facility.


The Israeli Army has not presented much evidence that Hamas used Al-Shifa Hospital as a base. A military spokesman said the search would take time.


A day after the Israeli military took control of Gaza’s largest hospital, soldiers on Thursday afternoon were still combing the site that Israel has said concealed a secret Hamas base,but had yet to present much evidence supporting that claim to the public

An Israeli military spokesman said that the search of the hospital grounds would take time because “Hamas knew we were coming” and had made off with or hidden traces of their presence there.


Gaza's Health Ministry says thousands remain inside Al-Shifa


The Gaza health ministry said on Thursday that thousands of people remained inside the Al-Shifa Hospital compound with little food and water as Israeli forces searched the premises for a second day.



Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 16, 2023, 3:17 p.m. No.19928028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8266


Hal Turner has military and intelligence sources. You do not.


Henry Makow shows a Mountain of Evidence on his site. In the published books and speeches of Cabal Jews themselves.


You're a Jewish shill gatekeeper.


The Jewish "Victim" Narrative has collapsed all around you.



Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 18, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.19937587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't forget they also got nice Swag bags.


Jews have to pay their own Jews $250 to "show support" for Israel's Genocide of innocent women, children and babies.

Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 18, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19937622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Audio: ADL Panicking Over Loss of Control Over Western "Useful Idiots" Gen Z


Nov 13, 2023 The Tehran Times


Ever since early October, the Israeli regime has been relentlessly bombing the defenseless Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, where more than 11,000 civilians have been killed, mostly women and children. The massiveness of the atrocities of the Israeli regime was beyond imagination, rightly causing global uproar and drawing criticism of Tel Aviv.


The global outcry appears to have spooked Zionists in the West, prompting them to issue stark warnings about the diminishing support for Israel. One such warning came from Jonathan Greenblatt, the director of the so-called Anti-Defamation League, whose function is centered on spreading defamation against anyone criticizing the apartheid regime of Israel.


In a recent private meeting with a group of Zionist propagandists, Greenblatt sounded the alarm bells about Israel losing the messaging battlespace in the U.S., according to a recording of the meeting exclusively obtained by the Tehran Times.


*Text of of 2:28 min. video, Greenblatt:


“But I also, wanna point out that we have a major major major generational problem, all the polling that I’ve seen, ADL’s polling, ICC’s polling, independent polling suggests this is not a left or right gap folks, the issue in United States’ support for Israel is not left and right, it is young and old, and the numbers of young people who think that Hamas’s you know massacre was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high, and so we really have a Tik-Tok problem a Gen-Z problem that our community needs to put the same brains that gave us Tagly(?) the same brains that gave us all these other amazing innovations need to put our energy toward this like fast, cause again like we’ve been chasing this left right divide, it’s the wrong game,the real game is the next generationand the Hamas and their accomplicesthe useful idiots in the Westare falling in line in ways that are terrifying,” Greenblatt said.




*Can't embed video, click on Tehran Times link to hear the tone of Greenblatt's voice = his Panic is Priceless

Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 18, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19937688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soldier Throws Flash-Bang Grenade Into Mosque


During the morning call to Prayer outside a Mosque in Israel, a Soldier from the Israeli Defense Force threw a Flash-Bang Grenade into the front door of the Mosque during the morning call to prayer. 


Here. Look: (18 second vid) in sauce link:


What kind of a low-life, scumbag, throws a flash-bang grenade into a House of worship?


And they actually wonder why people hate them . . . .



Anonymous ID: 63d763 Nov. 18, 2023, 3:45 p.m. No.19939160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8219 >>9200 >>0678

Israel Has Asked Meta and Tik Tok to Remove 8,000 Posts Related to Hamas War


Forbes Magazine Nov 2023


Israel says its takedown requests to social media companies have increased 10-fold since the start of the war.Ninety-four percent of the content was removed.


Meta and TikTok have received over 8,000 requests from Israel to remove content related to the Hamas conflict that they allege violate the companies’ policies, according to the Israeli state prosecutor’s office. The agency says 94% of the content across major social sites that it flagged has been taken down.


Israel’s prosecutor’s office said it had requested the removal of content that incited violence and terrorism, as well as any promotion of groups widely designated as terrorists, including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. It also asked that several songs praising Hamas that “served as soundtracks for thousands of videos on TikTok,” be taken down. TikTok, which told Forbes its policy was to remove all pro-Hamas content as soon as it’s identified, removed the videos playing the songs.


Policies for moderating violative content differ across platforms, but Google, TikTok and Facebook all ban material that promotes or is produced by terror groups, including Hamas, which has been designated as such by the U.S. government. Violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on ethnicity, nationality, race or religion are also banned.


“There is a significant challenge with Telegram’s cooperation."

Hadar Katz, spokesperson for Israel’s state prosecutor’s office


Nearly 60% of 9,500 total content takedown requests from the prosecutor’s office to major social sites were to Facebook and Instagram’s parent company. That was compared to 26% to TikTok, according to data provided by the agency. Ten percent of those requests were directed at X, formerly known as Twitter; requests sent to YouTube and Telegram both fell under 5%. The government agency told Forbes that its takedown requests to all the social media giants has increased by 10-fold since the Hamas attacks.


Israel’s prosecutor’s office told Forbes that Telegram, which was used by Hamas-linked accounts to share gruesome footage from the October 7 attacks and the subsequent war, does not appear to have complied its requests. “There is a significant challenge with their cooperation,” said Hadar Katz, a spokesperson for the office.

