underrated, solitude is
peace, many do not know
underrated, solitude is
peace, many do not know
her dad, hugh rodham, ran the chicago mob
and wapo ran this article in 2015
>(2013) Clinton Insider Larry Nichols admits he was a HITMAN for the Clintons
i'd imagine after the latest shenanigans with mar a lago and that judge, the value would be worth more now
nichols called general patreus a faggot lmao
said he's always been a faggot
an anon brought up hrc and mob ties and i provided the links
you want them to write a new article every year about the same thing?
he wasn't dictator
people had a choice
governors run their states, not the president
of course he had to play along "for the better good" according to all the experts - that's the president's actual job description is to do what's best for the populace
you all thought exposing and uprooting a deeply entrenched enemy would be easy and clean - you were wrong
i would put money down on his wit and charisma opposed to yours
been a staunch opponent of big pharma for many years and vaxxies
but the attacks would have been 10x worse had he refused them and possibly criminal to do so
he was backed in a corner, faggot
and for all you know what they intended to release had he not been president would have been 100x worse and killed millions more
try harder to use your noggin for once