it makes their loyalty questionable. Ya know in court cases even if the judge has not done something wrong just the appearance of impropriety is enough sometimes to get cases tossed. Same thing If a politician has duel loyalty every thing could be suspect so how do you convince people that it is not. Problem goes for catholics also. who do they serve what god?
wrong. The jew problem while also a religious one is mainly a political one at least in this setting. In america you do have freedom of religion which is great. Choose what ever bullshit you want. The problem is being jewish does not always mean religious often times it is only about support of israel blindly. That is bad enough. The catholic problem is slightly different as the political power is also the spiritual power of the catholic church which is it's own government still. So honestly the only person that should serve is a person who is agnostic about the entire thing.
rabbis you stupid fuck not the state. If you want to ban all religion fine. Good luck you can however ban allegiances to foreign powers. Rabbis do not speak for the state, the pope does speak for the Vatican.
the rabbis are dropping the bombs pretty sure that that is the israeli army under the orders of the government.
you stupid fucking nigger rabbis dont speak for americans. However Zionist politicians with duel loyalty do. That is not rabbis stop conflating shit you stupid fucking flappy lipped shit monkey.
maybe, what is your sign?
my bible? Projection. you are brain damaged.
well god is a fag, so no accounting for taste.
waste of digits and a miss. are you going to keep crying.
being a vet means jack shit. So first off fuck you for your service nigger. You are however right about genocide and war and that should stop don't give a fuck who is causing it.
because most nations have their hand in escalation and their hands in the proverbial cookie jar. Everyone just needs to stop, muslim, jew hindu baptist all this shit just needs to pause and take a breather because all this is gay.
Depends how you read that statement. Anon is anon, trying to appeal to some sense of, what, um, authority I guess not the word I want though is stupid. Do vets sign up hoping to do the right thing but just end up serving in bankers wars and dying for other people while their families go left unhelped and fall into poverty and even if they come back mangled and hurt because of these bankers wars and not get help. Yeah that sucks and that is wrong. Those type of men are the ones that help build communities and instead they are told to kill brown people because other people had a problem with them. Vets are abused for sure, but to try to say because you are x you have some say, i say fuck off.
um ok. thanks I guess.
you are stupid also. Semantic nitpicky autistic bullshit.
duh, gen x had top-gun, gi joe, rambo, list goes on. So by the time 9/11 happend you had a generation primed to fight. The bankers and those in control are the ones who are to blame and when good men have stepped up in afghanistan for instance about the boy rape culture, The higher ups silenced them and that was evil.
fuck off and die. explaining is not dividing.
just because the narrative is not moving at the speed people want it does not mean the narrative shift is still not happening. This will get tossed into there were good people at the Charlottesville rally. He is trying to be balanced and nuanced and just say that fighting is wrong and people should stop this bullshit. But as a politician especially right now with people so emotional about it, he does a shuck and jive so people can also see how ideas can change. Same thing with the jab, he will come around also when the zeitgeist demands it.
why have they been so triggered lately is anything supposed to be on tap today. Trump Trials ? or is it just feds being feds.
can you sauce the cayce?
why disturbing? I knew there was a group never really looked into it I should but what part was the crazy?