How many posts could a glownigger delete if a glownigger could delete posts? I don't know, ask the comms nigger gatekeepers.
Thanks for deleting that, even if you're the glowniggers posting it.
Free speech removed is faggot though, refresh at will to see their censorship. Always keep 2 tabs open to see what the pedo BVs spam and delete.
You mean the echo chamber of infiltrationfaggot hall monitor gatekeeper shills was a lot more comfy before exposing and destroying them?
64 posts makes you a spamshill and renders your opinion moot.
Morning, copy pasta famenigger name nigger avatar nigger spam shill. How's the weather in tel aviv glownigger board personality clown?
The deep state can always use more MK ultra shooter patsies. Never trust a fed at the door, greet them with the 12 Guage 00 buckshot
Careful anon, that's a protected board personality glownigger. Say goodbye to your posting privileges. And all your posts.
Glownigger slide shills will glow and slide.