Anonymous ID: f4f83f Nov. 14, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19915646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19915225 (lb)

Anon's tried to stay "on the battlefield" and the only thing anon gets is instagram model type followers. I guess the algo hates anon and what they have to say, so they send the bot accounts.


Oh well. Anon tried.

Anonymous ID: f4f83f Nov. 14, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19915707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Some have said that the family-first mentality is the foundation of all organized crime.

I've watched many give up their lives so that their family could have better only to see it destroy the person that helped them. And apparently noticing this and making a decision that's best for you and your family is the most unapproved thing you can do.



>anti-family is anti-God

If your family does everything they can to ensure their destruction as well as yours, then being anti-family might be the only thing that saves your own soul. Living in a world where you are surrounded by abuse, shame, judgement, and projection is a manufactured Hell that is as simple as changing your location and phone number. It's hard, gut-wrenching, and tears at every fiber of your programming since childhood, but it has to be done, sometimes.



>Who does Jesus say his mother, brothers & sisters are?

Jesus did it right but that's because he had the stones to tell him mom to fuck off so he could do his thing. His mother, in turn, followed him in his ministry. Not all men are strong enough to do that, and mothers that aren't willing to change their perspective on their little kids becoming their own men will do nothing but anchor them down with guilt. In that one regard, Christ was lucky as his mother didn't let her issues get in the way of supporting her son.


But as the word implies, men are supposed to think of their mothers as blameless which doesn't always work, and certainly isn't 100% applicable. It's just that the line on where to draw that belief or discard it isn't the same for everyone, and there will always be that one cunt in the crowd that insists you never, ever do something against your own mother's will.