Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 2:46 p.m. No.19916866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6937 >>6943 >>6987



KornShell (ksh) is a Unix shell which was developed by David Korn at Bell Labs in the early 1980s and announced at USENIX on July 14, 1983.[1][2] The initial development was based on Bourne shell source code.[7] Other early contributors were Bell Labs developers Mike Veach and Pat Sullivan, who wrote the Emacs and vi-style line editing modes' code, respectively.[8] KornShell is backward-compatible with the Bourne shell and includes many features of the C shell, inspired by the requests of Bell Labs users.



KornShell complies with POSIX.2, Shell and Utilities, Command Interpreter (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992.) Major differences between KornShell and the traditional Bourne shell include:


job control, command aliasing, and command history designed after the corresponding C shell features; job control was added to the Bourne Shell in 1989[9]

a choice of three command line editing styles based on vi, Emacs, and Gosling Emacs

associative arrays and built-in floating-point arithmetic operations (only available in the ksh93 version of KornShell)

dynamic search for functions

mathematical functions

process substitution and process redirection

C-language-like expressions

enhanced expression-oriented for and while loops

dynamic extensibility of (dynamically loaded) built-in commands (since ksh93)

reference variables

hierarchically nested variables

variables can have member functions associated with them

object-oriented-programming (since ksh93t)

variables can be objects with member (sub-)variables and member methods

object methods are called with the object variable name followed (after a dot character) by the method name

special object methods are called on: object initialization or assignment, object abandonment (unset)

composition and aggregation is available, as well as a form of inheritance



KSH(1) General Commands Manual KSH(1)



ksh, rksh, pfksh - KornShell, a standard/restricted command and

programming language



Currently, rksh and pfksh are not available on Mac OS X / Darwin.



ksh [ ±abcefhikmnoprstuvxBCDP ] [ -R file ] [ ±o option ] … [ - ] [

arg … ]

rksh [ ±abcefhikmnoprstuvxBCD ] [ -R file ] [ ±o option ] … [ - ] [

arg … ]



Ksh is a command and programming language that executes commands read

from a terminal or a file. Rksh is a restricted version of the command

interpreter ksh; it is used to set up login names and execution

environments whose capabilities are more controlled than those of the

standard shell. Rpfksh is a profile shell version of the command

interpreter ksh; it is used to to execute commands with the attributes

specified by the user's profiles (see pfexec(1)). See Invocation below

for the meaning of arguments to the shell.



A metacharacter is one of the following characters:


; & ( ) ⎪ < new-line space tab


A blank is a tab or a space. An identifier is a sequence of letters,

digits, or underscores starting with a letter or underscore.

Identifiers are used as components of variable names. A vname is a

sequence of one or more identifiers separated by a . and optionally

preceded by a .. Vnames are used as function and variable names. A

word is a sequence of characters from the character set defined by the


Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.19916943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6955 >>6966 >>6987 >>7081




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The End of Time. This time it’s real.



August 1, 2022

3 min read



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The End of Time. This time it& …


time running out

Remember Y2K? Worrying about what computers would do when the clock struck midnight?


Circle your calendar for January 19th, 2038.


It isn’t the end of the world as we know it, but it is the end of time according to computer programs and systems. Set to happen approximately 16 years from now. Some call it the Y238K bug.


“The year 2038 bug comes from the fact that many computer systems count time by counting seconds since the first of January 1970,” says Mikko Hypponen, one of the world’s leaders in global cyber security. I spoke to him from his home in Helsinki and he explained that when early programmers built the Unix system, which many programs run on, they used a code with a time limit.

The countdown is underway


“And the counter has a limit of 2.1 billion seconds. We will be reaching the upper limits in the year 2038, on the 19th of January.”


To be precise, it happens at 3:14 a.m. and 7 seconds. To see a “right-now” example, take your smartphone and try to set the date to 2038. You can’t.

time running out

Time is literally running out


“It’s a bug,” says Hypponen. “It’s a programming error that needs to be fixed. If we don’t fix it we run the risk of undefined problems. Systems will fail in ways we don’t fully understand.”


What happens a second after 32-bit Unix time ends? Computers and programs that haven’t been fixed will think it’s 1910. No one knows exactly what that will mean. But they’re concerned some things we depend on, will stop working.

Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 3 p.m. No.19916955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6987


16-Aug-2018 9:58:30 AM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/patriotsfight

Archived links:






What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted?

Who signed the CP FISA?

How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED?





>What happens a second after 32-bit Unix time ends? Computers and programs that haven’t been fixed will think it’s 1910.

Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.19916987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe …


Oct 30, 2023 … FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence … Today, President Biden is issuing …






A quantum computer is a computer that takes advantage of quantum mechanical phenomena.


At small scales, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves, and quantum computing leverages this behavior, specifically quantum superposition and entanglement, using specialized hardware that supports the preparation and manipulation of quantum states.


Classical physics cannot explain the operation of these quantum devices, and a scalable quantum computer could perform some calculations exponentially faster (with respect to input size scaling)[2] than any modern "classical" computer. In particular, a large-scale quantum computer could break widely used encryption schemes and aid physicists in performing physical simulations; however, the current state of the art is largely experimental and impractical, with several obstacles to useful applications. Moreover, scalable quantum computers do not hold promise for many practical tasks, and for many important tasks quantum speedups are proven impossible.


The basic unit of information in quantum computing is the qubit, similar to the bit in traditional digital electronics. Unlike a classical bit, a qubit can exist in a superposition of its two "basis" states, which loosely means that it is in both states simultaneously. When measuring a qubit, the result is a probabilistic output of a classical bit, therefore making quantum computers nondeterministic in general. If a quantum computer manipulates the qubit in a particular way, wave interference effects can amplify the desired measurement results. The design of quantum algorithms involves creating procedures that allow a quantum computer to perform calculations efficiently and quickly.


Physically engineering high-quality qubits has proven challenging. If a physical qubit is not sufficiently isolated from its environment, it suffers from quantum decoherence, introducing noise into calculations. Paradoxically, perfectly isolating qubits is also undesirable because quantum computations typically need to initialize qubits, perform controlled qubit interactions, and measure the resulting quantum states. Each of those operations introduces errors and suffers from noise, and such inaccuracies accumulate.


National governments have invested heavily in experimental research that aims to develop scalable qubits with longer coherence times and lower error rates. Two of the most promising technologies are superconductors (which isolate an electrical current by eliminating electrical resistance) and ion traps (which confine a single ion using electromagnetic fields).


In principle, a non-quantum (classical) computer can solve the same computational problems as a quantum computer, given enough time. Quantum advantage comes in the form of time complexity rather than computability, and quantum complexity theory shows that some quantum algorithms for carefully selected tasks require exponentially fewer computational steps than the best known non-quantum algorithms. Such tasks can in theory be solved on a large-scale quantum computer whereas classical computers would not finish computations in any reasonable amount of time. However, quantum speedup is not universal or even typical across computational tasks, since basic tasks such as sorting are proven to not allow any asymptotic quantum speedup. Claims of quantum supremacy have drawn significant attention to the discipline, but are demonstrated on contrived tasks, while near-term practical use cases remain limited.


Optimism about quantum computing is fueled by a broad range of new theoretical hardware possibilities facilitated by quantum physics, but the improving understanding of quantum computing limitations counterbalances this optimism. In particular, quantum speedups have been traditionally estimated for noiseless quantum computers, whereas the impact of noise and the use of quantum error-correction can undermine low-polynomial speedups.

Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 3:16 p.m. No.19917025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7027 >>7106


>Nah. All we need to do is




"It poses an even bigger threat than Y2K because unlike life in the year 1999, everything today is connected to the internet. From flight navigation systems, postal service operations, and supermarkets.


Hypponen adds banks and ATMs are vulnerable to the bug. So is the power grid and water distribution plants, the supply chain, and nearly everything else that connects to a computer program and the internet to function."




B.C., A.D., B.C.E., A.C.E., A.Unix.Era

Anonymous ID: 69e53e Nov. 14, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.19917081   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Julian calendar has been replaced as the civil calendar by the Gregorian calendar in all countries which officially used it. Turkey switched (for fiscal purposes) on 16 February/1 March 1917. Russia changed on 1/14 February 1918.[97] Greece made the change for civil purposes on 16 February/1 March 1923, but the national day (25 March) was to remain on the old calendar. Most Christian denominations in the west and areas evangelised by western churches have made the change to Gregorian for their liturgical calendars to align with the civil calendar.


A calendar similar to the Julian one, the Alexandrian calendar, is the basis for the Ethiopian calendar, which is still the civil calendar of Ethiopia. Egypt converted from the Alexandrian calendar to Gregorian on 1 Thaut 1592/11 September 1875.[98]


During the changeover between calendars and for some time afterwards, dual dating was used in documents and gave the date according to both systems. In contemporary as well as modern texts that describe events during the period of change, it is customary to clarify to which calendar a given date refers by using an O.S. or N.S. suffix (denoting Old Style, Julian or New Style, Gregorian).


''Daniel 7:25

King James Version


25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.''