Anonymous ID: 9d6f65 July 1, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.1991708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1991614 (lb)

That doesn't cancel self-determination and freedom of association.

Just because you love your neighbor doesn't mean you have to let him live inside your house.

Anonymous ID: 9d6f65 July 1, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.1991763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1991664 (lb)

No he is not, he is an anti-White pro-Zionist who refuses to discuss jewish subversion. He is a subversive gatekeeper. He luls people in by speaking lots of truth, and then he incites people to remain radical individualist in the face of collectivized enemies and refuses to admit the verifiable and factual (massive) jewish subversion that is going on.


He is a traitor.

Anonymous ID: 9d6f65 July 1, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.1991966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2090


>Sayanim exist in all countries for all intelligence agencies.

Collaborators (assets) yes, Sayanim are exclusive to the Mossad because they are selected for being JEWS, even if they are NON-Israeli. It's a very specific nuance, and it destroys the narrative of those that say that only Israeli jews are problematic.


>Israel is diverse, and complex. You can't say "Israel is a b c d", there no such thing.

You are attempting to get people to stop discussing Israel's kikery because it is oh so comple and diverse. You are glowing to the 9th degree.


>Israel too is full of cabal controlled bureaucracy - deep state, and it is very powerful.

Entirely my point.


>The entire global political world especially Hussein anti Israel

Only when you look at his lying mouth.

Pic related 1.


>You look like the living proof that their media indoctrination works.

Because I refuse to believe your damage control OP? Nice try at trying to flip the pressure.


>Ever wondered why the shoot on hospitals? Because these cabal backed palestinian murderous regimes are hiding their missile launchers in hospitals and next to hospitals. Read critically. I know personally people who have seen unbelievable cruelty by this Hamas regime towards the Palestinian arabs, as a service man, they hide launchers in populate buildings, UN schools. Don't buy the media narrative, look up more sources. Just for you to know, Israelis actually criticize the army that it doesn't exert enough force against the rocket shooters, because they shoot warning shots before taking down the launcher, thus allowing the militants to escape.

Yeah, jews are always the victims right, even when you keep the occupied people you are genociding inside a death camp named Gaza and you pretend like you don't kill Christians who are Hama's members as you bulldoze whatever you want. And that is not from the JEWISH fake news media.


>golan was conquered in a war.

That you pushed for because you want the water oil and minerals there. That is why you NEED ISIS and you help ISIS.


>USS Liberty

That is one of many. Lavon affair, Apollo affair, 9/11. A lot of shit to be mad about.


You were even suggesting your own posts for notables in the past bread, and those posts were posts downplaying the importance of Sayanim and Hasbara.

You. Glow.