>There is no evidence the building was pre-rigged
beyond the multiple flashes visible in the video footage.
Damn, thought I had a vid showing the flashes, guess not.
>There is no evidence the building was pre-rigged
beyond the multiple flashes visible in the video footage.
Damn, thought I had a vid showing the flashes, guess not.
You are a complete faggot, but it is your right to be a complete faggot and be allowed to spew your filth as if it were truth.
>whilst eating a booger
Nothing wrong with that. It's good for building up your immunity, unless you triple vaxxed and boosted, Then you fucked.
>Engineers for truth
Anon checked out most of their material way when.
Anon has seen enough evidence that fuckery was afoot that day and subsequently thereafter.
Thanks anon. Saved!
That's the one I thought I had saved.
>are you seriously claiming that they prepped a demolition of this kind in less than a day?
Would it not better to assume it was pre-rigged?
>are you seriously claiming that they prepped a demolition of this kind in less than a day?
Would it not be better to assume it was pre-rigged?