>>19917923 pb
>your other larp, with which we are well familiarized by yourself
I don't know if you say these things to try and protect me from the DS or you are just being genuinely cruel. Think about it for a minute, do you think a guy like me is afraid of dying at the hands of evil or do you think I am afraid of not doing God's will?
Here if further proof, I was one of the few people that knew on that day where to get these Con Edison helmets. Every time I saw someone without a helmet I gave them mine, and the guy who was handing them out questioned me because he finally realized that he had given me quite a few. I told him why and he thank me. Also most people who had white paper mask were given out by me because before I left LI, I went to home depot and bought them all out, along with a watch that my sister told me to buy to teach me how to check for pulses. She was a retired Physician's assistant. God Bless my sister, she would always muster the strength. I need a break, sorry, my last pack.