Let's stick this in some heads
Tanks bakes
Not as long as the banks stay solvent
And they collect a check…
Gots ta keeps da gubbment runnin baby….
I was framed
If we all came from Noah's arc
We are all related
All the same
Damn shame y'all got the stupid side of the family
They just trackin manure in the house
Folks with any damn manners take their shoes off at the door
Or go back
Evil and good can both exist simultaneously
Something that may not benefit you may help another
Perception …neither good or bad. Just is
Did not realize personal viewpoints needed sauce
When you perceive something as not good ..or not bad …that your own perception
Unless you need told what to think now also
You o.k. ?
Smoke and smile break
An a tune for church dude
Never cared for hominy….to corny …kek
Not black pilled
Getting tired
Message not getting through
They cannot hear
And chose not to see
What's the frequency kenneth
Late. 70s. Did a paper on Billy Carter
Taxpayer rehab …and substidised beer company
High school …..fast forward…2004
Go back to school.
Kent State…offerd a extra credit for the
May 4th symposium
Paper on patriot act
Orated in front of at least 50. Captive audience
Dr. Netty….called me a radical
Still gave me an A
Reporter from Canton repository
Tried to pick up my story
They literally told her to stay away from me
Censorship kills