Anonymous ID: bc8cf1 Nov. 15, 2023, 8:04 a.m. No.19920493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0528 >>0547 >>0661

>>19919506 lb


framing Patriots with "dangerous" label for this.

Is he for real, or reading a script for benefits?

He was an escort, right?


Could that whole script be "coms" mixed with Propaganda to make "conspiracy theorists" i.e. Trump supporters appear insane and unstable?

The suspect David de PAPE (pepe?) admits to have been once a leftist. But that didn't fit their narrative, so they gave him the script wherein he converted to Trump-support status?


The hammer detail, was that inserted?

Did the suspect really attack with a hammer?

(Sounds like the "phone calls from the hijacked jets on 9/11" which were proved never happened - were in fact impossible - but keep your cognitive dissonance and suspension of disbelief, that's what the script writers count on. Like you're in a movie theatre)

Don't think so. I remember the details. Super self-contradictory.

It was call-boy situation?


The hammer was a code for HAMR?

Remember "FISA works both ways"?

>>19919154 lb ALL Social Media feeds your Metadata to a MIRRORED version of FISA section 702


Look at the code in the tweet by Ivanka

somehow connects to Dec. 6 D6?

Which is also the Feast of St. Nick. (the bad Santa kek)


Remember the pic of Santa with the Hammer?

Could Trump's team / people gotten control of the Hammer?

HAMR for surveillance.

Remember Pelosi stating they are all under CoG "Continuity of Government" since Sept. 11th attack?