That's Big Mike, Anon. Killary is too soiled to be of use to the Cabal anymore.
Kek. That's my meme. Normies are lurking.
As a "Figurehead," Captain Boiled Cabbage and her sidekick, Wet Farts, is done. She's disliked all over the world, not just here.
I'm just happy to see it in normieverse. I don't go there anymore, since I'm persona non grata. I'm okay with that, though. It reminds me of Rob Liefeld's artwork.
Horse face? Nah, she's busy laundering money for the family, via Clinton Foundation. That name is completely soiled now.
Because that was the end goal of the creator of the Abrahamic religions. It's not the "Buddhists" or "Taoists" or the "Nords" that have been causing all the suffering humanity has seen in the last thousand or so years. If you take out political ideologies, it's fairly easy to show that humanity is being suppressed by the Abrahamic.
Would still pick this one over thatโฆ..thingโฆ
Not "Twitter," so much anymore, since Elon took over (still don't trust him), but I was speaking more of all of it. Truth, Gab, Parler, Facebook, Instagram, et al.
Kek. It's all F&G like Liefeld's understanding of human anatomy and his writing abilities.
NO ONE will accept her, Anon. She's soiled thanks to her pervert father and psychotic mother. Big Mike has a better chance of getting in than Chelsea Clinton. Like the Bush dynasty, the Clinton one is over.
>created one of the most popular characters of the last 30 years, still gets shit.
Are you talking Cable or Deadpool, 'cos on the subject of both, his "creation" tag is debatable. Did he create the concept of both characters? Yes, but both those characters were found via the writers. Without the dialogue from the writers, both characters would just be your average hero/villain filler, regurgitated over and over again by Marvel and DC.
>X-force 1 was cool though.
Kek. You want one? Cleaning out the in-laws house when we moved in, I found like a 100 or so of them still in the bag, with that shitty card that came with it, in a box. They belonged to my brother-in-law who passed. They're all in mint/near-mint condition. As a joke I took them all to my local comic store, to see how much they'd give me. As a joke, the owner said I'd have to pay him to take them. He's selling them below their original market value.
Big Mike still has the black vote. My best friend is black. I'm slowly trying to get him off the plantation, but even he still thinks Big Mike is a woman. Even when I showed him video of the dancing trouser snake.
Kek. I'm starting to wonder if this is Cabal comms. They big mad.
>Jim Lee
Technically he "created" Gambit. He did the concept, but it was Andy Kubert who was the first to draw him in print. Otherwise, he assisted in the creation of sub-par characters, like Omega Red and Maverick. Just more regurgitated Weapon X rip-offs.
Fun fact. I ran out of toilet paper, when I found them and asked my eldest son to grab one for me when I was taking a shit. I wiped my ass with Cable. SonAnon asked me why? My response was "It's an improvement to Liefeld's artwork."
>so he sold it all before the market tanked and rolled the money into this movie 'Clerks'.
He sold them to bankroll Clerks. After the movie was successful, he bought them all back. Shame he went woke. He was a decent writer. Marvel basically died after Shooter fucked over Claremont. DC was always a shitfest, except for select books like Batman and the Vertigo line. Shame Dark Horse didn't take off like they should have. Too fixated on licenses, instead of original characters.
Jews are fucking disgustingโฆ..
I haven't bought any since the early 90s. When all that X-tinction Agenda bullshit started, where you had to buy all these shitty books you didn't like or want to read, so you got the full story. They went with that and RAN. This Ripperverse stuff from Eric July looks good, but I'm done collecting. When I go to the store now, it's to grab tees, posters for the kids and miniatures, so the boys can play 40K or D&D.
Shooter's Valiant shit was bomb! He was just an obsessive asshole and control freak. Smith's work on Daredevil was some of the best work on Daredevil and I always enjoyed the "Man without fear." Especially during the Frank Miller days, but I liked JRJR's gritty style during his run on DD.
>large brian
Something happened to Kevin. I'm not sure what, but it feels like blackmail. A shame. He was brilliant at one time.
Kek. They can't help themselves. It's in their DNA. Project, project, project.
I'm well aware. Spent a year there in the mid 2000s, working as a 3D animator for [redacted game company name]. Was quite happy to leave.
She should have just stayed in acting, instead of moving to the news. I liked her when she was on the Wonder Years.
I don't know. He's catholic, so it could be a front and he's really dick deep in this Cabal shit.
Kek. Does that mean Epstein and all his guests were Ba'al-in?