Anonymous ID: 7a14af Nov. 15, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.19920827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0846

so when they are here enmass, like the last few days, does it mean that their funders are scared of something?

Are they waiting for shoes to drop or just trying to prevent us from seeing when they do drop?

so what is it that would shake up the news:

releaseing whose cocaine it might be that was found at the White House.

a ceasefire in Ukraine after a soft coup whre Z resigns and elections are announced?

a ceasefire in Gaza?

them declaring (through the FCC) all of your internet service is belong to us submit to the biometric tyrannt control-o-garchs?

what else?

ah, the marxist conclave that is happening to day in the Shitty-by-the bay? (San Fran Cess Pool)


what is it that the shills are trying to suppress by flooding the board with crappy clown-based graphics?

Anonymous ID: 7a14af Nov. 15, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19920874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I once had an acquantence who would go on about how horrible the > > > (the obvious group) and explain how they were . . . and . . .

all stuff that was obvious subpar behavior.

but what I figured out : he was explaining what he was like.

He was jealous of anyone with anything.

He was full of excuses.

His hatred of the xxxx was just self-loathing: projection of his on qualities on all of them and an excuse for him being the way he was, that he said that they were all like.

Anonymous ID: 7a14af Nov. 15, 2023, 9:29 a.m. No.19920970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0997


there wasn't just one vax.

who knows what they were doing.

It may have been that every so many of them was something harmful and experimental.

PS: the harm that the vax did was also ecconomic. Why should some clown-company get a payout for a saline injection?

it looted the treasury, enriched some people who didn't deserve it, and wasted millions of manhours of working people, and it caused division within families as some of us said "I am afraid of injections that are not necessary"


having never had a flu shot ever, why would I get a vaccine for a disease that was just a renaming of the flu?


and still I hear relatives having issues with the shot. Someone died less than a week after getting it. the harm from the vax is psychological and economic and social.

that's a real narrative. pretend it was benign or helpful, but it wasn't.

Anonymous ID: 7a14af Nov. 15, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.19921030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's nice to imagine that it did no harm.

I think that's just wishful thinking.

And denial, really , because if you just heasr people talking about it, people who still think it's useful, you discover that when they get the shots they get sick for a time.

some of them die.

so how could it just be benign?


it's important to understand that it is a mind game being played, as you say, by socalled 'authority'.

they do it to assert their dominance and to separate people based upon who still believes that they are actually helpful and who knows that 'health care systems' and 'public health care' and health insurance and most doctors and clinics are only there to collect the payout and long ago gave up the idea of an Hippocratic oath, or code of ethics in medicine, of trying to save and help people.


the health care system has morphed into a way for dishonest people to loot the dollars that people would spend on keeping themselves healthy.

who does and does not take a fakecine is useful information for them, so they can descriminate against us.


It's all about harming those who oppose their dictatorship and culling out those who they no longer want to feed and house.