Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.19921255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1259 >>1286 >>1292 >>1304 >>1352 >>1496 >>1563

==Nikki Haley Takes Fire Over 'Unconstitutional' Plan To Force All Social Media Users To Be "Verified By Name"



Nikki Haley, a defense industry lobbyist disguised as an aging MILF, floated what many are calling a flatly unconstitutional idea to force all social media users verify their identities online in order to rid the world of 'bots' from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea (and of course, hand the US government a nice list of exactly who's saying what, and where).


"The truth is, if you look at social media, the misinformation and the dramatic sides of social media are instigating this. Why? Because it's being pushed by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea."


"It is why when I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media accounts… social media companies, they have to show America their algorithms. Let us see why they're pushing what they're pushing. The second thing is every person on social media should be verified by their name," said Haley, whose real name is Nimarata.


"When you do that, all of a sudden people have to stand by what they say, and it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots. And then you're gonna get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say, and they know their pastor and their family member's gonna see it. It's gonna help our kids and it's gonna help our country."


Haley, the walking embodiment of RAND research, drew sharp criticism online, with former President Donal Trump calling it "dangerous and unconstitutional."

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.19921263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lavrov names key factor for safety of Israel


The top Russian diplomat discussed the root of the violence in the Middle East and other pressing issues in an exclusive interview


Israeli-Palestinian violence needs to be resolved within the UN-backed framework of a two-state solution, and a badly-needed ceasefire in Gaza has to be followed by a genuine effort to implement it, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.


The refusal by the US to put any restrictions on Israel stands in the way of reining in the bloodshed, according to the top diplomat, who noted the risk of the Gaza hostilities escalating into a regional war. However, players in Lebanon and Iran have “no appetite” for taking this path, Lavrov said.


Russia's top diplomat also touched upon the US branding Moscow an “international pariah” and a “rogue state” – despite, according to the minister, all evidence to the contrary. He also spoke on the aspirations of African nations to get a fair share of the wealth generated from processing their natural riches, and the overall rebalancing of global power.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19921301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1324 >>1352 >>1496 >>1563

Secret Service’s FOIA Documents Reveal DNA was Found and Preserved in White House Cocaine Probe, Contrary to Prior Claims — Secret Service May End Up Destroying Evidence


During his show on Fox News, Jesse Watters revealed that the Secret Service has been misleading the public about a cocaine investigation at the White House.


According to over 100 pages of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the narrative surrounding the discovery and handling of cocaine at the White House appears fraught with inconsistencies and cover-ups.


The Gateway Pundit reported in July that Hazmat crews were dispatched inside the entrance gate near the West Wing of the White House to investigate a suspicious white substance that tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride.


According to Watters, this shifting narrative raises questions about the accuracy and transparency of the Secret Service’s statements.


Further complicating matters, Watters highlighted discrepancies in the substance’s testing, with initial results indicating opioids and amphetamines, before being identified as cocaine. This raises doubts about the testing process and the subsequent handling of the evidence.


Secret Service closed its investigation into the Biden White House cocaine scandal without conducting any interviews.


No suspect was identified, and allegedly no fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads were found!


According to Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi, the agency didn’t interview the 500 potential culprits because it would be a strain on resources.


Watters reported that the original narrative stated that no DNA was recovered from a bag of cocaine found at the White House, leading to the destruction of the bag.


However, the FOIA documents suggest the presence of three tubes of DNA, conflicting with the Secret Service’s initial reports. It appears the DNA samples were not only found but also preserved in an evidence vault.


“There’s more evidence that they didn’t destroy: an envelope with three tubes of DNA,” said Watters.


“Where did they get the DNA from? They got the DNA off the baggie. So the Secret Service lied, and so did the White House. They did find DNA on the baggie, and the DNA was processed and has been moved to an evidence vault for preservation.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.19921327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352 >>1496 >>1563

Ukrainian Lawmaker Dubinsky Imprisoned for 60 Days and Charged With Treason for ‘Misinformation’ – Is Sanctioned by US for Divulging Proof of Burisma Corruption


Dubinsky was once a star at the ‘Servant of the People’ party.


“Slowly but surely the regime is devouring itself. It is also a gift for Biden, after all, it was Dubinsky who leaked the Poroshenko-Biden tapes, tying him to Hunter Biden-Burisma corruption.”


Dubinsky is on a U.S. sanctions list for ‘election meddling’ – for releasing evidence of rampant Burisma corruption that would implicate Joe and Hunter Biden.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19921337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352 >>1356 >>1414 >>1496 >>1563

Nikki Haley Says It’s Time to Raise the Retirement Age to Reflect on Life Expectancy


“For everybody coming into the system like my kids in their 20s, you change it. You say we’re going to raise the retirement age to reflect life expectancy. We’re no longer going to do cost of living increases. We’re going to do increases based on inflation. We’re going to limit the benefits on the wealthy and we’re going to expand the Medicare Advantage plan so that we have more competition. We have to start looking at a common sense way to do it without hurting people. But our kids know they’re not going to get it otherwise,” Haley said.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.19921348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1353 >>1364

After Golani soldiers photographed themselves inside, the IDF demolished Gaza's parliament building. This video is reported to be from the blast.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19921359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1371

Former Editor-in-Chief of Leftist News Outlet Charged with Child Sex Crimes in Massachusetts, Accused of Sharing Extensive Illegal Material


Slade Sohmer, 44, a former editor-in-chief of a video-focused news website, The Recount, has been charged with possessing and distributing child pornography.


On October 17, during a search at Sohmer’s residence in Otis, the Berkshire Law Enforcement Task Force confiscated a phone containing hundreds of child pornography images and videos, as per an affidavit presented in court. Among the disturbing contents, a video allegedly recorded by Sohmer of a minor being raped was found, according to Berkshire Eagle.


Some of the photographs, more than 1,300, and videos in Sohmer’s collection show kids as young as 3 or 4 years old.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19921409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How to Make Society Accept and Embrace Genocide 'With This One Simple Trick'


The masses are led into a spiral of selective morality that denounces war one day and champions genocide the next.


In a glaring display of hypocrisy that has become all too common in the partisan theater, many on the right, who once proudly wore the badge of anti-war, have pivoted their stance amidst the bloody conflict in Gaza. Their anti-war voices, once loud against interventions and regime change wars, have muted, revealing a troubling inconsistency. The invasion of Gaza by Israel following the horrific attack on the Jewish state by Hamas has been met not with calls for peace and diplomacy but with a hawkish embrace of military aid, interventionist policies, and the wholesale embrace of genocide — a significant departure from their previous calls for non-intervention.


This flip-flop is a stark illustration of the power of party lines to cloud judgment, to turn the rational into zealots for causes they once denounced. It's a phenomenon we at The Free Thought Project have documented extensively over the years, highlighting the cognitive dissonance that grips individuals when party loyalty eclipses principle and rational thought. The abrupt shift from advocating fiscal responsibility and caution in foreign entanglements to endorsing further indebtedness and military support for Israel reflects the influence of partisan lines over these easily dismissed principles. It clearly indicates how easily the masses can be swayed by party loyalty, even when it contradicts their previously held values.


Nowhere is this more evident than in the recent escalations in Gaza. The same individuals who once cried foul over foreign entanglements now stand idly by or, worse, cheer as Israeli forces launch devastating attacks on Gaza, claiming the lives of thousands. The death toll, a harrowing figure predominantly composed of civilians, women, and children, seems to be just another statistic to those who've traded their anti-war ethos for a seat at the partisan table. The Ministry of Health in Gaza has released chilling numbers that paint a picture of a population under siege: over 11,100 Palestinians have been killed, with a disproportionate number of the victims being children and women. 1 out of every 200 Palestinians is now dead — which is nothing short of genocide — and instead of decrying it, many are begging for more.


This about-face isn't limited to war either. For years, Republicans lambasted the left for its rabid intolerance toward opposing viewpoints, decrying the 'cancel culture' that silences dissent. Yet, in a disheartening twist, these cries for free speech seem to vanish into thin air when it comes to the defense of Israel's actions. Any criticism of Israeli policy is met not with debate but with attempts to silence and discredit—a tactic they once condemned.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19921434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1443 >>1496 >>1563

Over 120,000 Christians Displaced Due to Azerbaijan Aggression.


Around 120,000 Christians have been displaced from their ancient homeland of Artsakh in the southern Caucuses and forced to flee for their lives after the Muslim government of Azerbaijan bombarded and invaded the Nagorno-Karabakh region in September this year – though this has been seldom covered by the mainstream media, which has focused almost exclusively on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Hundreds of ethnic Armenians living in the predominantly Christian enclave were killed in the 19-20 September attack, while military and political leaders were swiftly arrested. The Armenian human rights ombudsman, Anahit Manasyan, explained last month, “[n]umerous bodies, including those of children and women, bearing signs of torture and mutilation, have been taken to Armenia from Artsakh.”

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.19921450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top Eric Adams aide promised volunteer a City Hall job in exchange for renovation work: report


One of Mayor Eric Adams’ top aides allegedly promised a 2021 campaign volunteer a job in the administration if he completed renovation work on her home — and asked another for a hefty donation in exchange for Gracie Mansion access, according to a new report.


Winnie Greco, 61, a longtime member of the mayor’s inner circle and City Hall’s current director of Asian affairs, is said to have asked one volunteer — only identified as a 33-year-old tech worker from Queens — to carry out the work on her Bronx kitchen in early 2022, The City reported Wednesday.


Around the same time, Greco also appealed to a Chinese business executive, who had made significant contributions to Adams’ mayoral campaign, to make a $10,000 donation for access to a Chinese-focused government event that Hizzoner held at Gracie Mansion.


The two campaign volunteers spoke anonymously to the outlet in the weeks before it was revealed Adams’ campaign was embroiled in an FBI corruption probe that’s looking at whether it conspired with the Turkish government to allegedly accept illegal donations.


It isn’t clear if Greco, who earned a $100,000 salary from the city last year, violated city ethics rules in her liaisons with the two volunteers. A City Hall spokesperson told The Post that Greco denies the claims in The City’s report.


The tech worker claims Greco followed through with her offer of a City Hall job by allegedly landing him interviews with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs — several months after he started helping two contractors with the renovation work, the report said.


After he was hired as a program coordinator in July 2022, he told the outlet, Greco allegedly continued to ask him to carry out renovation work, including cleaning her kitchen and removing debris, while he was on the clock for the city.


He also claimed Greco, who is Hizzoner’s years-long link to Asian communities, would regularly ask him to help her respond to emails and translate them into Chinese.


“I felt obligated to help her. Two weeks after I began working at MOIA, she said to me, ‘Do you know how much effort I made to get you hired?’” he told The City.


The tech worker, who claims things turned sour for him when he started refusing to help Greco, said he was fired in June after being given a three-month warning from his bosses.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19921462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1492 >>1496 >>1501 >>1563

George Soros, Warren Buffett, and Others Behind Secret Shell Company Profiting from Controversial Abortion Pill


The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is once again set to make a major abortion ruling ahead of a presidential election. And my new book contains fresh information about the controversial abortion drug facing an ultimate decision from SCOTUS.


Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life uncovers never-before-reported details about the elite interests that profit from birth control methods like drugs, contraceptives, and abortions.


This all comes on the heels of the abortion lobby’s victories last Tuesday. In Ohio, abortion rights supporters won a ballot measure, Kentucky’s Democratic governor was reelected on a pro-abortion platform, and a Pennsylvania Supreme Court seat was won by a Democrat after pledging to uphold abortion rights. These pro-abortion victories are spurring attempts for ballot measures in several swing states: Arizona, Florida, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. And abortion is a major moneymaker for the Controligarchs.


The book not only reveals the secret attempts by billionaires such as George Soros and Warren Buffett’s to make huge amounts of money through a controversial abortion drug “RU-486” via a shell corporation in the Cayman Islands, but also how that pill was brought to market thanks to shadowy deals made between the Rockefeller Foundation and President Bill Clinton’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Last November, the Alliance Defending Freedom representing a group of pro-life medical organizations sued the FDA for its Clinton-era approval of the abortion-inducing mifepristone drug (also known as RU-486). In April, a federal district court in Texas ruled against the FDA’s “unlawful approval” of mifepristone.


In September, Biden’s Justice Department and the drug’s manufacturer asked SCOTUS to reverse the lower court’s ruling that restricted access to mifepristone. SCOTUS has not yet determined the final fate of the drug, though abortion advocates, including more than 600 Democratic lawmakers across 49 states, have implored the court to allow the drug to remain available and distributed via organizations like Planned Parenthood.


Against this backdrop, the revelations in Controligarchs about how the abortion-inducing drug was developed, how it came to market, and how it created a secret stream of profits to billionaires such as Soros and Buffett, could not be timelier.


Mifepristone, or RU-486, is an abortifacient (or abortion-inducing) drug with origins dating back to the 1980s. It was brought to America in the 1990s by German pharmaceutical conglomerate Hoechst AG in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation’s Population Council.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19921483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1490

BBC Apologises After Reporting Israeli Soldiers Were Targeting ‘Medical Teams and Arab Speakers’


The UK state broadcaster issued an apology on Wednesday after incorrectly reporting Israeli soldiers were targeting “medical teams as well as Arab speakers” while clearing Hamas terrorists out of a Gaza hospital.


The BBC said its report on the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) taking on Hamas terrorists inside a hospital “fell below our usual editorial standards” after the newsreader stated attacks were targeting medics and Arabic speakers.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19921499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1532 >>1563

Navy SEAL Who Spoke For Parental Rights At School Board Meetings Under Investigation For ‘Extremist’ Ties


A Navy seal is under investigation for suspected association with unspecified extremist organizations after photos and videos surfaced of him speaking with members of the Proud Boys at parental rights protests, according to the Navy, media reports and the visual documentation.


Chief Special Warfare Operator Bryce Henson, who also goes by the pseudonym Ben Richards, became a known figure in his community for participating in parental rights protests and advocating against LGBTQ+ indoctrination at school board and city council meetings, reported. A local photographer began compiling photos and videos of Henson standing with Proud Boys members and documenting allegations of verbal harassment.


He’s currently under investigation for “possibly participating with, or supporting, extremist causes,” Naval Special Warfare said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.


“While sailors are always allowed to exercise their rights to freedom of speech and assembly if they follow the law and policy restriction, participation with hate or extremist groups of any kind is contradictory to the core values of the Navy and is not tolerated by [Navy Special Warfare],” Tisdale told the outlet.

Anonymous ID: b43128 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19921516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1563

Scientist Tied To Wuhan Lab Now Using Taxpayer Cash To Do Bat Ebola Experiments In America, Watchdog Finds


A group of scientists tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) are now using taxpayer cash to import bats and perform Ebola experiments in the U.S., the Daily Caller has learned.


According to a Daily Mail report, a new lab, funded by U.S. taxpayers, is being built in Colorado that will import bats from around the world to experiment on dangerous diseases. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted Colorado State University (CSU) $6.7 million to build a new bat lab in partnership with EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). This is despite House and Senate Republicans calling on the NIH to terminate federal funding to EcoHealth, which has for years funneled taxpayer money to the WIV.


The Caller has also learned that in late September 2023, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) gave CSU and EHA another $1.7M towards the establishment of the CSU breeding facility and construction of the bat lab.


Greg Ebel, a CSU virologist and project leader for the bat research facility said in July: “This isn’t a bat COVID lab. It’s not a bioweapons lab. We’re not working with Ebola or Nipah virus or any of these things. I’m not interested in losing my job or going to jail or interested in doing research that’s going to carry home pathogens to my wife or my child. Those kinds of things are beyond ridiculous.”


However, the project description for the September 2023 NIH grant for the CSU/EHA bat lab states the bat lab would be used specifically to study those pathogens. The grant was uncovered by White Coat Waste Project (WCW), a taxpayer watchdog organization, and shared first with the Daily Caller.


“We will capture horseshoe bats and Indian flying foxes, respective reservoir hosts of Nipah virus and SARS-related coronaviruses, in Bangladesh where they will be quarantined and provided veterinary care as they adapt to captivity. Bats will be shipped to CSU to establish the breeding colonies as a resource for investigators who study these viruses… Finally, we will perform experimental infection studies of Nipah virus, SARS-CoV-2 and the SARS-related coronavirus, RaTG13,” the description states.


Another document obtained by WCW from a 2022 CSU Board of Governors meeting shows that CSU will be doing Ebola experiments on these bats in conjunction with NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Lab.