Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19921624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1631 >>1988 >>2134 >>2195

Canada expands assisted suicide laws to allow for killing of INFANTS for profit


Canadian Dr. Louis Roy is leading the charge to allow toddlers and infants in Canada to be killed through euthanasia.


Boasting the world's laxest assisted suicide laws, Canada is now a safe haven for young children to be euthanized for profit under the expansive Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.


From now on, infants deemed too sickly to live can be signed up for assisted suicide in Canada, even though critics argue that a young child is not old enough to make this kind of decision without coaxing.


"An infant is not self-aware and cannot 'commit suicide,'" one report explains about the lunacy of expanding MAiD to include babies. "Infants want to live, eat and be held by their parents."


"Instead of 'assistance in dying,' infants will be euthanized for the convenience of the parents and doctors who no longer want to deal with problematic babies," one report explains.


The Quebec College of Physicians defends its support for the practice by claiming that some babies are suffering from "unbearable pain" that only assisted suicide can quell.


What is unclear from all the support, though, is how custodial situations work in which a child is handled by two different parents who may not both be in agreement that a child's "pain" warrants assisted suicide.


Adults, the college says, can decide for these babes, this acting as a "safeguard" between the child and attending "physicians" who are ready and waiting to kill babies for profit.


One such doctor who loves performing assisted suicides is Dr. Stefanie Green, a MAiD enthusiast who has euthanized more than 300 people. At one time, Dr. Green provided beginning-of-life care – now she has switched to end-of-life "care."


"One's a delivery in. One's a delivery out," Dr. Green joked to CTV News in April 2022. "They're similar in terms of they're both incredibly intimate moments. They're milestones in someone's life. They are intense."


Dr. Green says she gets a thrill out of taking a person's life, describing the feeling as "intense emotions" as she administers death drugs or whatever protocol is being used at the time.


"If tired parents of a sickly child, exhausted from sleepless nights and medical expenses, visit a doctor like Stefanie Green, I expect that MAiD euthanasia will likely be approved and quickly performed," one report warns.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19921640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1988 >>2106 >>2195

Globalists use geoengineering “weather weapons” to destroy cities so they can rebuild with a police state infrastructure, warns analyst


On 25 October, Category 5 storm Hurricane Otis made landfall in the Mexican state of Guerrero with a death toll of 46 and 58 people missing as of press time. It left a nightmarish scenario at the popular tourist destination Acapulco.


Media ecologist James Martinez – one of the major proponents of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), or cold fusion technology, which is considered a stable provider of nuclear fusion and a possible future energy source for humankind – was a witness to the devastating calamity. In a recent interview with Mike Adams, founder of the free-speech video platform, Martinez talked about the horrific experience and the possibility that geoengineering of "weather weapons" was performed in the recent catastrophe.


According to him, he was invited to go to Mexico by presidential candidate Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum to see the next generation of energy power come to life in the country in the form of LENR. He was having a great time in the tourist spot but he immediately noticed that the architectural structures in the place should be changed, even before they were aware that a superstorm would come. He was out with some influential people when they began to realize that indeed a major typhoon was about to happen. He assumed that the public had been pre-informed.


He narrated that they decided to go back to the estate and just have some drinks. "And then as we were sitting in the opening area, which overlooks the bay, the wind factor went up tremendously at about 9:30 to 10 p.m. We didn't think it would go to a category five. But right about midnight, my colleagues got phone calls saying get out of there. And there was no place for us to go to get out of there." As they were just guests of the house, they took shelter inside the residence on the very opposite end of it, which was a huge structure and a very famous architectural landmark. “And there's a massive old tree in front of this estate, which protected us,” he said. As they awoke, the tree no longer existed, the rooms were flooded, and what they saw was complete, utter and total devastation. "So that took place but it was played down," he said.


"It looks like a bomb went off," Adams quipped and Martinez quickly agreed. "This is where it gets interesting to me because I was very suspicious of the reason why the port authorities or the government of Acapulco did not warn the public about what happened," he said. As the Cold Fusion advocate inspected, there was no sound outside, no airplanes, and no immediate rescue operations. "Acapulco was officially destroyed. All the boats in the bay, including the one that I was on the previous day, had sunk. And it was very quiet as there was no power at all," he observed, adding that he was expecting at least police or military choppers to assist people and tell them what their instructions were going to be.


"I suspected it was a weather weapon used against Acapulco for the construction of a 15-minute city," he said. Adams agreed pointing out that Acapulco was a hub for free speech and freedom of political affiliation. This makes the once-picturesque destination a target for the urban planning concept that the government wants to implement for their total control and tyranny.


Martinez also disclosed how houses, cars, telephone poles, etc., looked like a demilitarized zone after a war. According to him, in any car that was outside, the windows were blown out. "And most people have driven fast cars, the windows are a dominant problem, there's aerodynamics and all these other things. It was truly unusual to see that the glass in the cars looked like it exploded from some type of unusual electronic weapon of sorts," he revealed.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.19921710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1757 >>1988 >>2195

Over 400 US Officials Sign Letter Criticizing Biden’s Israel Policy


The letter says Biden should demand a ceasefire


More than 400 US officials from 40 government agencies have sent a letter to President Biden criticizing his unconditional support for Israel’s war in Gaza in the latest example of dissent from within the US government.


“We call on President Biden to urgently demand a ceasefire; and to call for de-escalation of the current conflict by securing the immediate release of the Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians; the restoration of water, fuel, electricity and other basic services; and the passage of adequate humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the letter reads.


According to The New York Times, the majority of the signatories to the letter are political appointees who work throughout the government, including in the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the National Security Council. Some signatories helped get Biden elected and said they were worried his support for the onslaught on Gaza was opposed by many Democratic voters.


The letter says that the “overwhelming majority of Americans support a ceasefire,” citing a poll from Data For Progress that found 66% of voters believe the US should push for a ceasefire, including 80% of Democrats. “Furthermore, Americans do not want the US military to be drawn into another costly and senseless war in the Middle East,” the letter says.


President Biden and his top aides have called for “pauses” in the fighting but refuse to use the term “ceasefire,” demonstrating that they are committed to continuing support for the Israeli war, which has killed at least 11,000 Palestinians, including over 4,500 children.


Since October 7, the US has shipped weapons to Israel on a near-daily basis and is providing special operations support, including surveillance drone flights over Gaza. Besides the new letter, Biden’s full-throated support for the brutal war has drawn three dissent memos from State Department employees and an open letter signed by more than 1,000 employees of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19921750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1794 >>1988 >>2195

Vids/Pic: Calif. streets lined with Chinese flags for Chinese Communist president


Prior to President Joe Biden’s Wednesday meeting with Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco, California, videos of the city’s streets lined with Chinese flags circulated on social media, sparking widespread outrage.


According to Newsweek, Xi and Biden’s Wednesday meeting, which is part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, is the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders in a year. The meeting between Biden and the Chinese communist leader has been viewed as a pivotal measure in preventing tensions between the United States and China from escalating.


However, as the Chinese president and his motorcade escort arrived in San Fransisco, controversial video footage was posted on social media, showing the city celebrating Xi’s arrival with countless Chinese flags.


In a post on X, formerly Twitter, The Post Millennial’s investigative reporter, Katie Daviscourt, shared a video of the Chinese flags along the streets of San Francisco, saying, “Oh look, San Francisco turned into China for President Xi’s arrival. Finally revealing its true colors.”

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19921813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1815 >>1831 >>1920 >>1927 >>1988 >>2195

–They're Just Insulting Our Intelligence At This Point==


If Israel’s position were based on truth and morality it wouldn’t be churning out a nonstop deluge of obvious lies.


Americans: healthcare please


US government: Sorry did you say billions of dollars for ethnic cleansing in the middle east?


Americans: no, healthcare


US government: Alright, you drive a hard bargain but here’s billions of dollars for ethnic cleansing in the middle east.


I used to think it was bad for Israel to be massacring children by the thousands and bombing hospitals and shooting quadriplegics and children in hospital beds, but then Israel’s president waved an Arabic translation of Mein Kampf in front of a camera so now I think it’s good.



If Israel’s position were based on truth and morality it wouldn’t be churning out a nonstop deluge of obvious lies.


No one believes anything Israel says anymore. You either know Israel lies constantly or you know it but pretend you don’t.



You know how narcissists will do the most fucked up shit and if anyone calls them out they act all wounded and victimized like “Oh, what, I’m the bad guy now??” That’s Israel and its supporters.


Anyone who criticizes US-sponsored military violence gets accused of supporting the other side by supporters of that military violence. If you opposed the Iraq invasion you were a Saddam supporter, if you criticized US proxy warfare in Ukraine you were a Putin lover, etc. The argument is that criticizing the actions of the world’s most powerful war machine means you support the side opposing that war machine, and because you’re a treasonous monster who supports the other side that means your criticisms should not be listened to.


This happens with literally every single high-profile act of US interventionism. Literally every single one, without a single, solitary exception. What this means in effect is that all criticism of the world’s most powerful war machine is considered unacceptable and gets stomped down. Those who are calling you a Hamas lover and a terrorist sympathizer today are telling you that nobody should ever criticize any US-sponsored act of military aggression, because they’re using the exact same tactic that is literally always used to stomp out all US-sponsored acts of military aggression.


What they are really saying when they call you a Hamas supporter is, “Shut up. Be silent. Never criticize US warmongering. Never criticize the most consequential actions of the most powerful and destructive government on this planet, under any circumstances. Shut up. Be silent. Obey.”

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19921896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918

Pro-Israel Group Paid Students $250 Each to Attend 'March for Israel' Event in DC


The "Israel on Campus Coalition" offered college students $250 "microgrants" to attend the "March for Israel" event in Washington, DC on Tuesday.


"The 'Israel on Campus Coalition' is funded by 'pro-Israel' billionaires such as Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot, and Jan Koum, founder of WhatsApp," Michael Tracey reported.


The Israel on Campus Coalition's website says they "allocated all funding" for the event to pay for "thousands" of students to go to the event and encouraged young people to check back later as they pay for students to take part in other "pro-Israel initiatives" on college campuses.


Whereas Americans are getting canceled for attending pro-Palestine events (and immigrants are getting threatened with having their US visas canceled), you can get paid to attend astroturfed pro-Israel events.


An undercover Al Jazeera documentary from 2016 found that pro-Israel groups were paying tens of thousands of dollars to shills to take part in pro-Israel protests on American college campuses:

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19921915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Miss Universe pageant bankrupt after forcing women to compete against trans competitors


The $22,000,000 transaction was spearheaded by Thai business tycoon Anne Jakrajutatip, who is a trans-identified male.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19921930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1937 >>1964 >>2023

'Not in my lane': FBI Director Wray says terror suspects crossing US border is not his problem


"I can’t really speak to, you know, to that issue," Wray responded. "it’s not in my lane."


During a House subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he couldn’t "speak to" the sharp increase of individuals on the terror watch list crossing the border.


"Why do you think in the four years before this, there were only 11?" asked House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Committee member Mark Green. "And suddenly, there are 294 in the past few years, why do you think that?"


"I can’t really speak to, you know, to that issue," Wray responded. "it’s not in my lane."

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19921954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1988 >>2195

Eleven arrested for smuggling migrants from Greece to Northern Europe


Criminal network charged at least EUR 5 000 – EUR 6 000 for an Athens–Brussels ticket and a fake ID


A Greek-Belgian investigation supported by Europol and Eurojust has led to the dismantling of a criminal network that smuggled migrants by air from Athens to Northern Europe. The operation, which involved the Belgian Federal Police (Federale Politie/Police Fédérale) and Public Prosecutor’s office of Halle-Vilvoorde, and the Hellenic Police (Ελληνική Αστυνομία) and the Court of Athens, was also assisted by Norwegian and Swedish authorities.


The action day on 13 November 2023 led to:

11 arrests (8 in Belgium, 2 in Greece and 1 in Sweden)

16 location searches (12 in Belgium and 4 in Greece)

2 travel agencies searched in Athens (included above)

Seizure of phones, other electronic devices and digital evidence, two boxes with forged passports and almost EUR 200 000 in cash

Migrants paid at least EUR 5 000 – EUR 6000 to reach Norway from Greece

The criminal network, mainly composed of Egyptian and Syrian nationals, has been operating since January 2022, facilitating the illegal secondary movements of migrants from Greece to Northern Europe, mainly Norway, through Belgium. The suspects facilitated the transport of migrants via legitimate travel agencies, while also having connections with forgers to supply migrants with fake travel identification documents.


The smugglers arranged for irregular migrants to travel from Athens to Brussels Airport Zaventem and Brussels South Gosselies. The migrants used genuine passports, presenting themselves as the real owners of the documents – what is called ‘look-alike’ document fraud. After the migrants arrived in Brussels, members of the criminal network provided the migrants with fake Romanian or Bulgarian travel documents and sometimes a short stay in the Brussels area.


The migrants subsequently continued their journey directly or via Sweden to Norway. A member of the criminal network would accompany the group of migrants as far as Brussels and then return to Athens. The migrants paid at least EUR 5 000 - EUR 6 000 per person via the Hawala underground banking system, depending on the quality of the fake documents and additional smuggling services.


In May 2023, Eurojust set up a joint investigation team between Belgium, Greece and Europol to facilitate the judicial cooperation.


https://www.europol. europa. eu/media-press/newsroom/news/eleven-arrested-for-smuggling-migrants-greece-to-northern-europe

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19921972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986 >>1988 >>2195

Twenty-Eight Gang Members And Associates From Newburgh And Poughkeepsie Charged With Racketeering, Narcotics, And Firearms Offenses

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 12:56 p.m. No.19922000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2058 >>2105 >>2195

Biden admin justifies Israel’s assault on Gaza hospitals with recycled Israeli ‘intelligence’


As Israel assaults Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, the Biden administration claims that “Hamas does use hospitals” as military bases. Once again, Washington appears to be relying on dubious Israeli propaganda rather than independent analysis.

With Israeli troops storming Gaza’s Al-Shifa and Al-Rantisi hospitals, the United States and Israel are doubling down on discredited claims that Hamas has been maintaining “command centers” out of the basements of hospitals in Gaza, even after so-called evidence produced by Tel Aviv was thoroughly debunked.


“I can confirm for you that we have information that Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, used some hospitals in the Gaza Strip, including Al-Shifa, and tunnels underneath them, to conceal and to support their military operations and to hold hostages,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters Tuesday.


Kirby’s claim echoed the assertion by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who maintained that “open-source reporting” shows “Hamas does use hospitals, along with a lot of other civilian facilities, for command-and-control, for storing weapons, for housing its fighters.”


On November 14, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters that US intelligence had no “boots on the ground,” nor any intelligence assets capable of independently gathering intelligence from or about Shifa. When asked if the declassified intel briefing spun out by Kirby and Sullivan arrived through Washington’s “Israeli counterparts,” she refused to answer. But she strongly suggested the intelligence dump was politically motivated.


“This is newly-downgraded information that we felt was important to get out today, because there have been a lot of questions about the hospital and how Hamas operates, and so it was important to get out there,” Singh insisted.


Hamas denies using hospitals for military purposes, and both local healthcare workers and international humanitarian organizations back that up. “I’m sick and tired of these [Israeli] claims that there are Hamas command centers [in hospitals],” Norwegian physician Dr. Mads Gilbert told Al-Jazeera on November 12. Having performed life-saving procedures for several weeks inside Shifa during Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, Gilbert noted, “As I’ve said 100 times… we’ve never seen high-ranking Hamas people in Al-Shifa,” adding “we’ve been able to roam freely.”


But that did little to prevent Israeli troops from waging an all-out assault on the facilities. As Israeli forces surrounded Shifa hospital on Tuesday with the full-throated support of the Biden administration, arresting journalists outside the facility and violently clearing displaced people from its grounds, doctors inside were forced to move babies in intensive care from one wing of the hospital to another to save their lives. A lack of fuel had already forced many of those infants off vital oxygen supply units.


Meanwhile, Israeli forces have been unable to find any presence of hostages inside or around the hospital. As Israeli Army Radio reported on November 15, “There is no indication of the presence of abductees inside the hospital.”

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.19922037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195

Is the Zionist Project Over? Applied Zionism Demonstrates Its Radical Extremism


What a bitter irony that the Israeli aggressor has so flagrantly leaped over the line to enter and defile its own “Never Again” precaution.


Former UK MP, George Galloway, understands the exact implications of this defilement. On 12 November he described as a Holocaust the obscenity of the spectacle of mass murder underway in Gaza. For half a century Galloway has been a constant voice of justice for the Palestinians. In calling the attacks on the people of Gaza a Holocaust, Galloway said,


“Its a premeditated all-out genocidal crazed assault on captive people with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The Palestinians are being put down in an industrial scale of killing.”


The diabolical character of applied Zionism has been put openly on display for all the world to see. There is no hiding the appallingly ugly nature of the vicious “war” declared by the Israeli government on the so-called “human animals” penned up in Gaza as well as Israel’s undeclared war against the Palestinians in the West Bank.


The evidence keeps mounting, exposing the duplicitous role of Netanyahu who needs this war to stay out of jail. The deranged Netanyahu was instrumental in engineering the lethal pretext of this attempt to annihilate the remaining Palestinians under Israeli control. An added element of this plan includes the Israeli design to deport any Palestinian survivors to tents camps in the Sinai Desert in Egypt.


Zionism emerges from the Jewish Supremacist heritage rooted especially in Talmudic commentaries written during and since the era of Babylon. The demeaning treatment of non-Jews has been charted, renewed and elaborated in many commentaries written by the Talmud’s rabbinic authors right up to the present day. See this.


This Talmudic heritage merged at the time of Zionism’s inception in the late 1800s, with the pervasive ethos of ethnocentric imperialistic nationalism that pervaded the Victorian era during its zenith.


The core of the Zionist project involved the creation of a mostly European Jewish nation to be injected into the Arab realm at the nexus point of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Jews of mostly European origin are often described as Ashkenazi. They tend to dominate pyramids of Zionist power both inside and outside Israel.


The influence of Zionism has not been corralled within geographic or even perceptual realms of circumscribed existence. As we are presently seeing, Zionism has come to exercise many forms of decisive control over the governing agencies in many countries wherever this formidable international network of wealth and power has taken root.


Currently governing authorities especially in so-called “Western” countries are lining up to support, back and contribute to the Zionist assault on the Indigenous Arab Palestinians under Israeli control. The same authorities have been quick to penalize and blacklist any of their own citizens who manifest a will to condemn and criticize the armed slaughter of stateless Palestinians in Gaza as well as in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank area.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.19922061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs with Moderna After Playing Key Roles in the Licensure of COVID-19 Vaccines


A new BMJ investigation reveals a "revolving door" between FDA officials tasked with regulating COVID-19 vaccines and the companies who manufacture them.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.19922082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112

"All the primary sources which prove that Netanyahu is following a genocidal script written into the Old Testament, Talmud, Midrash, Sefer Zerubbabel, Zohar, Yalkut Shimoni and Rabbi Joseph Crooll's The Fifth Empire to pit Iran and America against each other as if they were the Persian and Roman Empires. Just as Persia destroyed the Babylonian Empire which ruined the first Temple and sent the Jews into 70 years of exile, the Kabbalists plan to use the Iranians to destroy the European descendants of the Romans who wrecked the second Temple and drove the Jews into the diaspora. Rome and Jerusalem cannot coexist (Megillah 6a). "

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.19922092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2099 >>2115 >>2195

House Report: Illegals to Cost America Nearly HALF A TRILLION Dollars.


The 50-page report claims millions of dollars are spent each day on costs directly associated with the "unprecedented crisis" caused by Mayorkas at the southern border. The range of costs includes "everything from emergency medical care to increased demands on law enforcement to housing and shelter benefits for illegal aliens."


The document draws on figures from the Center for Immigration Studies, which calculated the cost of the country’s immigration policies under Mayorkas, finding it may be as high as almost half a trillion dollars. The report similarly found the burden of illegal immigration on the country’s economy to be upwards of a staggering $150 billion as of 2022. The total federal, state, and local costs of illegal migration are around $182 billion, while illegal migrants themselves contribute just $31 billion in taxes. “Only a small fraction is ever recouped from the taxes paid by illegal aliens, with the rest falling on the shoulders of American citizens and lawful residents,” the report adds. “This report reveals in painstaking detail the dollar costs facing the American people every day that this chaos continues, both in small towns on the border and in big cities like New York,” said Mark Green (R-Tenn), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:20 p.m. No.19922119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2137

US nuke panel packed with weapons industry interests


Nine of 12 members of the commission proposing a bigger, better arsenal have financial ties to defense contractors.


Nine of the 12 members of a high-level congressional committee charged with advising on the U.S.’s nuclear weapons strategy have direct financial ties to contractors that would benefit from the report’s recommendations or are employed at think tanks that receive considerable funding from weapons manufacturers, the Guardian and Responsible Statecraft can reveal.


While the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States (CCSPUS) purports to recommend steps to avoid nuclear conflict, it does nothing to disclose its own potential conflicts of interest with the weapons industry in its final report or at rollout events at think tanks in Washington.


The United States will soon face “a world where two nations [China and Russia] possess nuclear arsenals on par with our own,” warned the commission’s final report, released in mid-October. “In addition,” the report charged, “the risk of conflict with these two nuclear peers is increasing. It is an existential challenge for which the United States is ill-prepared.”


According to the CCSPUS, this potential doomsday scenario requires the U.S. to make “necessary adjustments to the posture of US nuclear capabilities – in size and/or composition,” a policy shift that would steer billions of taxpayer dollars to the Pentagon and nuclear weapons contractors.


“What we’ve consistently seen is the nuclear weapons industry buying influence and that means we cannot make serious decisions about our security when the industry is buying influence through think tanks and commissioners they are skewing the debate,” said Susi Snyder, program coordinator at the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.


“Instead of having a debate about the tools and materials we need to make ourselves safe,” she added, “we’re having a debate about which company should get the contracts. And that doesn’t make the American people safe or anyone else in the world.”


The CCSPUS was established two years ago via the annual defense policy bill, and conflicts of interest on the commission were apparent from the beginning. But an analysis by the Guardian and Responsible Statecraft found deep ties between the commission and the weapons industry.


The most recognizable member of the CCSPUS is its vice-chair, Jon Kyl, who served as a senator from Arizona from 1995 to 2013 and again in 2018, after the death of John McCain. While this, and more, is included in his biography in the commission’s report, what’s left out is his more recent employment as a senior adviser with the law firm Covington & Burling, whose lobbying client list includes multiple Pentagon contractors that would benefit from the commission’s recommendations.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19922144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195

Australian who blew whistle on alleged Afghan war crimes stands trial


David McBride, a former army lawyer who revealed information about alleged Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, could be facing a “life sentence” if found guilty in a trial that starts on Monday.


While Australia has established an independent special investigator into alleged war crimes committed by Australian troops in Afghanistan,supporters of McBride point out he is facing a criminal trial before any of the perpetrators of the alleged wrongdoing he helped reveal.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:31 p.m. No.19922175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184

“Your Day Is Coming Director Wray!” – HUGE! GOP Rep. Higgins NAILS Dirty FBI Chief Chris Wray During House Hearing – EXPOSES FBI GHOST BUSSES!


Rep. Clay Higgins: Did the FBI have confidential human sources embedded within the January 6 protesters on January 6, 2021?


Chris Wray: Congressman, I’m sure you can appreciate I have to be very careful about what I can say about…


Rep. Clay Higgins: That’s what you told us two years ago.


Chris Wray: May I finish? May I finish? Uh. When we do and do not, where we do and do not used confidential human sources. But to the extent that there’s a suggestion, for example, that the FBI’s confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way instigated or orchestrated Jan 6th, that’s categorically false.”


Rep. Clay Higgiins: Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on January 6th prior to the doors being opened?


Chris Wray: Again, I have to be very careful…


Rep. Clay Higgins: It should be a no! Can you not tell the American people, “No, we did not have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters positioned inside the Capitol… ”


…Director Wray, last year, you might recall, sir, our exchange regarding the FBI’s involvement on January 6 and prior. I’m happy to jog your memory, to quote, according to the record, I asked you, ‘Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters positioned inside the Capitol on January 6, prior to the doors being open?’ You responded, I quote again, “I have to be very careful of what I say,’ to which I said, ‘It should be a no!’ Can you not tell the American people, no, we did not have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters positioned inside the Capitol on January 6.


A year has passed. We sit here again, a year later. We, the people, still do not have a definitive answer from you or anyone else in the Biden administration regarding the FBI presence and participation in the months leading up to the November election and in the weeks and days prior to January 6 and on January 6 here in DC. We can’t get a straight answer, although we have a tremendous amount of evidence harvested and reviewed over the course of the last year, which you will see in September. Stephen D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the FBI’s field office in Washington, DC, testified to the House Judiciary Committee that he was aware the FBI informants would attend the Stop the Steal rally thrown on January 6. You confirmed that the FBI had confidential human sources at the Stop the steel rally on January 6 here in DC, sir.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.19922225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251

Trump's Truth Social Announces Merger 'Milestone' As Filings Show $73 Million Loss


Former President Donald Trump's company, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) has reached another "important milestone" in its merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp., officials announced on Nov. 13.


In a press release, the two firms unveiled the filing of "Amendment No. 1" to its Form S-4 Registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Publicly traded companies are required to file an SEC form S-4 to register any material information related to a merger or acquisition.


The latest filing included a "preliminary proxy statement" and a prospectus "concerning the proposed merger between TMTG, the parent company of social media platform Truth Social, and Digital World, a special purpose acquisition company," and "marks an important milestone in the proposed business combination," officials said.


Digital World entered into a merger agreement with TMTG in October 2022, but the deal has yet to be finalized amid multiple delays, including investigations by the SEC and the Department of Justice (DOJ).


Earlier this year, Digital World reached a tentative settlement of a penalty of $18 million with the SEC to settle charges alleging that the company violated anti-fraud provisions relating specifically to its IPO filings on form S-1 and the S-4 form.


The DOJ also announced charges against a former Digital World board member, Bruce Garelick, and two others who were arrested in June for insider trading related to the proposed merger with TMTG.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.19922249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Legislators: Western Nations Should 'Welcome Gaza Refugees'


In a bold demonstration of chutzpah, two current members of Israel's legislature took to the Wall Street Journal op-ed pages to declare that Western countries should start taking Gaza refugees. This comes as Israel is methodically destroying much of the densely-populated territory that's home to some 2 million Palestinians, following the stunning and vicious Oct. 7 attack by the militant arm of Hamas, which rules Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.19922307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 0f9505 Nov. 15, 2023, 2:01 p.m. No.19922348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian warship commander removed following alcohol incident


A commanding officer of an Australian warship has been removed from his position while an inquiry begins into alleged "unacceptable behaviour" involving alcohol, which is prohibited when Navy personnel are at sea.


Key points:

Defence says there is "no place for unacceptable behaviour or conduct"

Military sources have told the ABC the matter relates to "heavy drinking" while at sea

Navy regulations prevent alcohol being consumed at sea

Defence has confirmed the senior officer is no longer in command of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) vessel but is not releasing any other details about the matter due to privacy obligations.


"There is no place for unacceptable behaviour or conduct within Defence," a defence spokesperson told the ABC in response to a series of questions.


"All allegations of unacceptable behaviour are taken very seriously and investigated thoroughly following due process," the spokesperson added.


Military sources say the captain is being investigated over allegations of "heavy drinking" while at sea, as well as an incident at an international event that caused "embarrassment" in front of United States Navy counterparts.


"The RAN is trying to hide this entire episode and the usual procedures for transfer of command have been ignored," one figure familiar with the matter claims.