Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19921785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1790 >>2067 >>2142 >>2195 >>2243











"Step 1Worms"


10mins 20 secs › 2010 › 11 › 16 › health › 16global.html

Learning How Ivermectin Worksto Kill Worms - Global Update - The New …

Nov 15, 2010Researchers have finally discovered how ivermectin, one of the most important worm-killing drugs used in both humans and animals for decades, actually works. Ivermectin, extracted from a soil…

Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 1:10 p.m. No.19922067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2075 >>2089 >>2129 >>2142 >>2151 >>2195 >>2243


>"Step 1 Worms"


>10mins 20 secs


How does the test work?


A PCR test amplifies DNA sequences. It involves DNA primers, DNA bases, enzymes, a buffer solution, and thermal cycling to help replicate these sequences.


The first step is to collect a sample from the person undergoing the test.We describe the acceptable types of sample below.


Next, a laboratory researcher uses a specialized machine to heat the sample. This separates the DNA inside into two pieces of single-stranded DNA. The reaction then cools to allow primers to attach to the template DNA sequences. It then heats up again to allow an enzyme known called Taq polymerase to add DNA bases to the templates. This process duplicates the original DNA sample, creating two strands.


The machine can automate this entire process and repeat it as many times as necessary to create many exact copies of the original DNA segment.


A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test detects genetic material from a pathogen or abnormal cell sample. Ways of collecting samples include a nasal swab, a saliva swab, or taking a sample of blood.


>>19921478 pb

>“DNA tracking” likely refers to methods used in genetics and molecular biology to track the presence or activity of DNA.


>•“PCR” stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction, a technique in molecular biology to amplify DNA sequences.


>•The “ss DNA” possibly stands for single-stranded DNA.


>•The symbols and equations (like “dR/dt”, “m1”, “2mµ^2”, etc.) are mathematical notations, which could represent rates of change, mass, or other scientific or mathematical concepts.


>•The red circle with “P=3” might be setting a value for a variable P equal to 3.


>•The other annotations seem to be shorthand or symbols that are not standard or are out of context, making them hard to interpret without additional information.


>If this was a vaccine of sorts it would be for nonhuman use.


>It looks like a mixture of concepts from physics (like rate of change, denoted by “dR/dt”), genetics (“DNA tracking”, “PCR”, “ss DNA”), and possibly some personal notes or shorthand. This type of board often appears in academic or research settings where complex concepts are being worked on or taught.



Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.19922142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2186 >>2195 >>2243





>>19921502 pb

>The Fish Guts Displacement


> Episode aired Dec 6, 2012



2012 Oct;4(10):1155-63.

doi: 10.1039/c2ib20076g.

Genetic analysis with nanoPCR

Dun Pan 1 , Lijuan Mi, Qing Huang, Jun Hu, Chunhai Fan



PMID: 22907590 DOI: 10.1039/c2ib20076g




Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a standard and important molecular biological technique with numerous applications in genetic analysis, forensics and in vitro diagnostics. Since its invention in the 1980s, there has been dramatic performance improvement arising from long-lasting efforts to optimize amplification conditions in both academic studies and commercial applications. More recently, a range of nanometer-sized materials including metal nanoparticles, semiconductor quantum dots, carbon nanomaterials and polymer nanoparticles, have shown unique effects in tuning amplification processes of PCR. It is proposed that these artificial nanomaterials mimic protein components in the natural DNA replication machinery in vivo. These so-called nanomaterials-assisted PCR (nanoPCR) strategies shed new light on powerful PCR with unprecedented sensitivity, selectivity and extension rate. In this review, we aim to summarize recent progress in this direction and discuss possible mechanisms for such performance improvement and potential applications in genetic analysis (particularly gene typing and haplotyping) and diagnostics.


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Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.19922186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243


>. More recently, a range of nanometer-sized materials including metal nanoparticles, semiconductor quantum dots, carbon nanomaterials and polymer nanoparticles, have shown unique effects in tuning amplification processes of PCR. It is proposed that these artificial nanomaterials mimic protein components in the natural DNA replication machinery in vivo.


Rapid COVID-19 Test Using Nanoparticle Technology Developed: Results In 10 Minutes!

June 8, 2020


BALTIMORE — Ever since the coronavirus pandemic took hold of the country, researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicinehave been trying to engineer nanoparticlesthat can serve as a diagnostic tool for detecting the presence of COVID-19. Not only does it appear they’ve succeed, but in the process they’ve created a test that can yield results in just ten minutes.


In recent years, bioengineers have sought ways to use nanoparticles for all sorts of medical purposes.Nanoparticles are extraordinarily tiny materials that can perform whatever function they were engineered to do. They are commonly used in medicine as a way to deliver drugs to a person or to detect specific markers in a biological sample.


Last week the researchers announced that they have developed a test that uses plasmonic gold nanoparticles and changes colors in the presence of COVID-19. The great news about this test is that it can detect the virus in as quickly as ten minutes.


“Based on our preliminary results, we believe this promising new test may detect RNA material from the virus as early as the first day of infection. Additional studies are needed, however, to confirm whether this is indeed the case,” says lead author Dipanjan Pan, PhD, a professor of diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine and pediatrics at the school, in a university release.


All a patient needs to do is provide a nasal swab or saliva sample, and the nanoparticles do the rest of the work. The gold nanoparticles check to see if there is a specific protein present in the biological sample. The protein it looks for is unique to the coronavirus, and acts as a binding site for the nanoparticles. If the nanoparticles detect the presence of this protein then they turn the color of the liquid they are placed in from purple to blue.


The authors describe two major benefits to the nanoparticle diagnostic test over the tests currently on the market. Firstly, many of the tests are not completely accurate and report a lot of false negatives. Beyond that, the diagnostic tests usually require a lot of specialized lab equipment, so hospitals need to send samples out to laboratories to be tested.


“This RNA-based test appears to be very promising in terms of detecting the virus. The innovative approach provides results without the need for a sophisticated laboratory facility,” says co-author Matthew Frieman, PhD, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology.


Dr. Pan created a company called VitruVian Bio to develop the test for commercial application. He plans to apply for an “emergency use authorization” through the FDA so the test can get to market more quickly. There is usually a very long process to get a drug approved, but the FDA has been making exceptions for COVID-19 tests. The test will need to be validated for its performance before its cleared by the FDA.


There is a big need for rapid, reliable and inexpensive COVID-19 diagnostic tests, and the research team hopes their test will fill that void and expand coronavirus testing capacities.


The study is published in the journal ACS Nano.

Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19922243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2254




>>19921502 pb



dunno about this article. sounds a bit sci fi but adding it to the dig anyway …


What is in the PCR Tests? Graphene Oxide Found in COVID Shots, Masks and Swabs


The experimentalphysicistand biomaterial researcher Dr Antonietta Gatti examined various PCR test rods under the microscope and analyzed their ingredients. Antonietta M. Gatti, Ph.D. is also the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE.


The irritating result:the PCR test swabs are made of hard materials and contain a variety of (nano) particles made of silver, aluminium, titanium, glass fibres etc, many of which are undeclared in the package leaflet. When they enter the mucous membrane, they can cause wounds and inflammation, the scientist said. ENT doctors told 2020News that they are finding more hardened mucous membranes in people who are often tested for SARS-CoV-2. No longer intact mucous membranes can no longer fulfill their task of repelling viruses, bacteria and fungi before they reach the airways, as the pediatrician Eugen Janzen also reports. The germs thus penetrate into the airways without any immune filter.


According to another independent test on PCR swabs in Slovakia,the material they found was Darpa patented hydrogel, lithium, and nylon.


Important excerpt:


”After spawning a mixture of nylon fiber fragments, Darpa Hydrogel remains on the nasal mucosa under the pituitary and pineal gland along with lithium. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that are directionally oriented to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals are conductive due to the lithium contained in it. The crystals can receive the signal from the transmitter to the cell and transmit signals from the cell to the transmitter. These are actually nano-antennas.”


According to the article, lithium as well as aluminum and mercury (widely used in vaccines) are highly toxic to the pineal gland influence. In low doses lithium blocks it and in higher doses it can completely destroy it.


Important excerpt:


”Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place.” – see shocking photos:




PCR tests despite their great erroneous false positives and lack of gold standard also contain ethylene oxide, used as a pesticide in agriculture which just happens to cause cancer.

Gatti’s research shows the PCR swab destroys our natural mucosa membrane leaving us more susceptible to further viral infection. Additionally, it appears the hydrogel is causing blood clots in the blood vessels.


It is also ironic that getting COVID injections also makes people more susceptible to further viral infection. Efficacy is extremely low. In fact, they are estimated to be less than 1% effective. Further, the injections do not prevent infection or transmission. All gene-based injections can be expected to cause blood clotting, bleeding, and other adverse events, particularly with each re-vaccination and each intervening coronavirus exposure. Over time, whether months or years, this renders both vaccination and coronaviruses dangerous to young and healthy age groups, for whom without vaccination COVID-19 poses no substantive risk.


The flu vaccine also puts people at a 36% greater risk of getting COVID through something called “viral interference.”

Anonymous ID: 37eebd Nov. 15, 2023, 1:43 p.m. No.19922254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2283


>dunno about this article. sounds a bit sci fi but adding it to the dig anyway …

<that swab





..after saying that indeed those who are vaccinated DO get more acute pathogen-creating illness, like CORONAVIRUS, that should make us all wonder if there are any connections here. The acknowledging that patients DO get ill after flu shots from these other viruses (VIRAL INTERFERENCE) is priceless yet disturbing. Basically patients have been made to feel like they were wrong for decades. I am sure deaths too, have been involved but to correctly blame it on the vaccine has been taboo.






..after saying that indeed those who are vaccinated DO get more acute pathogen-creating illness, like CORONAVIRUS, that should make us all wonder if there are any connections here. The acknowledging that patients DO get ill after flu shots from these other viruses (VIRAL INTERFERENCE) is priceless yet disturbing. Basically patients have been made to feel like they were wrong for decades. I am sure deaths too, have been involved but to correctly blame it on the vaccine has been taboo.





The flu vaccine contained graphene oxide nanoparticles and the new flu vaccines and the new intranasal COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain huge doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles.


Graphene nanoparticles cause hypercoagulation (thick blood) which in turn causes blood clotting. It also causes a cytokine storm that alters the immune system negatively and lessens glutathione. It is a a superconductor. If exposed you get a metallic taste in the mouth and eventually a loss of taste and smell. It also explains the magnetic phenomenon (being able to put metal on the injection site and having it stick) after receiving the COVID injection.


We had access to a sealed vial from Pfizer, and by means of a request for services to a university, specifically in my name, it was sent for an analysis of the vial, where we were looking for the material in question: graphene. After some time of investigation by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor in Chemical Sciences, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and member of the University of Almeria, we obtained this preliminary report where we are told that there is indeed solid evidence of graphene oxide in the sample and that it is also the main component of what they wrongly called a vaccine.


In short, graphene oxide behaves exactly like the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version, generating the same symptomatology of severe COVID-19.graphene oxide detox When installed at the neuronal level, it causes neurodegeneration or, in other words, neurological COVID-19.


So, from here we started to see what possible compounds, drugs and treatments could degrade graphene oxide. And look what we found: N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or glutathione administered degrades it. Because what glutathione does is counteract free radicals and oxidants, all the toxins that can enter the body.


We now fully understand why those treatments worked: because they addressed all the symptoms of the disease supposedly caused by SARS-CoV-2. Given that to date there is no scientific evidence of an actual sequencing and isolation of SARS-CoV-2, we suspect with many credible indications that COVID-19 disease is actually the side effect of the introduction of graphene oxide into the body by different ways.


‘Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, the University of Manchester and Chalmers University of Technology have shown that the human immune system handles graphene oxide in a manner similar to pathogens, possibly leading to safer biomedical applications in the future.’ Source

Dr. José Luis Sevillano proposes a preventive treatment for Panamanian colleagues who at a conference were very interested in treating patients with zinc, glutathione, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). These antioxidants have been found to help the body detoxify graphene oxide.



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