Anonymous ID: 45b583 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:03 p.m. No.19922706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2739

I have been studying world history and have come to realize the true difference between good and evil. Through this history I have discovered much of the truth and who really is our enemy and why they hate us so much… and why they must not be allowed to get away.


>They did not destroy them. They instead intermingled with them in direct defiance of God. The Israelites are as much Canaanite as they are Hebrew.


>There are many FALSE JEWS mixed in with the traditional Jews.


>The Canaanites never disappeared. They became Phoenicians, then Lebanese, and so on…


<Anon am become brian

<Destroyer of narratives/morans

Anonymous ID: 45b583 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:47 p.m. No.19922953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2971 >>3095


Numbers prove God through Probability and Time.Quantum.


Even if the probability that God exists is laughably small (0.000000000 … 01%), the dice is rolled at every smallest measurement of time through out eternity, and if it rolls true even a single time, the very definition of Omnipotence and Omniscience (applied to God) implies that God transcends that moment and exists at all points in space and time, period.


In fact this realization paradoxically means the odds that God is real is insanely high, since for him not to exist at all, that probability can NEVER roll once through out all of eternity, which is an oxymoronic thing to believe, as with enough time, rolling a dice with any number of sides will inevitably give you every possible number sequence imaginableat least once.


Check mate science/secular niggers. Repent.

Anonymous ID: 45b583 Nov. 15, 2023, 4:11 p.m. No.19923095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3132


The monsters hide amongst Jews. They call themselves Jewish and perhaps to some extent they are. Canaanite blood and origins. Not all Jews are evil but all Jews will sadly get the blame unless this truth is brought to light fast enough.



These monsters understand this math and have for a very long time. They are attempting to summon their Deities and Gods/Goddesses. They are getting close. Q and the Q-Team are aware and are trying to stop them. Time is our ally but time waits for no one. The timelines are converging never the less, and soon there will be only two outcomes possible…


Total annihilation and extinction following the monsters gaining control through means of God-like power through The Veil,orliberation and eternal youth among the stars, free from evil, given truth and justice as a feud lasting thousands of years is finally brought to an end in epic, Biblical fashion.


Pray. Repent. There will be no where to hide and no where to run. It's too late to be scared. Only to stand with or against the forces of Good, or Evil. Convergence. Anon has seen it, all the same as many countless others.


NCSWIC and WWG1WGA. Mark 'em.