Anonymous ID: aa72ef Nov. 15, 2023, 3:12 p.m. No.19922771   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2797


> American Jewish Committee Ann Schaffer: Immigration is a Jewish Issue

the american jewish committee has had a lot to do with mass non-white immigration because they see themselves as a minority and the only way they "feel safe in america" is by flooding it with other minorities aka non-whites to further divide the country so the focus is off of them

Anonymous ID: aa72ef Nov. 15, 2023, 3:59 p.m. No.19923025   🗄️.is đź”—kun





you're right

it will lead to total collapse and businesses fleeing to set up shop in other countries

here, let this jew explain it to you even more because im just a filthy goyim whose opinion doesn't mean shit


>Nothing good will come out of this new policy of open borders, only social collapse. America may well sink. Entrepreneurs and businessmen, one by one, will begin to abandon the land of opportunity, that is diving into misfortune, instability, and insecurity, and will look for new possibilities in other countries like Canada, even Cuba will look more promising.


>Just as the American forefathers emigrated from Western Europe to America, so too will businessmen and entrepreneurs begin to migrate outside the borders of America to set up factories and offices, establish banks and businesses. These new changes will shake the United States to the core.


>The people who rule the country will be unable to control the chaos g and will lead society to total destruction in the so-called name of “democracy.” From the incompatibility of worldviews and general dissatisfaction with the direction the country is heading, social unrest may erupt.

Anonymous ID: aa72ef Nov. 15, 2023, 4:24 p.m. No.19923166   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3184 >>3190

>Kennard also enacted policies to create more ownership and employment opportunities for women and minorities.


>Randall Lynn Stephenson (born April 22, 1960) is a retired American telecommunications executive. He served as chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of AT&T Inc. from May 9, 2007 – June 30, 2020 and as executive chairman of AT&T Inc. from July 1 until December 31, 2020

>he was mentored by Carlos Slim

>In 2004, he was named chief operating officer of SBC and also appointed by President Bush as National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee.

>In September 2016, Stephenson gave a speech regarding race relations at AT&T’s annual Employee Resource Group conference in Dallas. An employee posted a video of the speech to YouTube, in which Stephenson asked attendees to make a greater effort to understand each other and communicate better through a compelling witness defending Black Lives Matter despite racial tensions in the United States

>On July 1, 2020, Stephenson retired as CEO of AT&T.

>He was the 37th National President of the Boy Scouts of America, serving from 2016[14] until 2018.[15] Stephenson, as well as fellow board member Jim Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young, publicly opposed the BSA's practice of banning openly gay Scouts and stated their intention "to work from within the BSA Board to actively encourage dialogue and sustainable progress."

>There was one person who was happy to see Stephenson head out the door—President Donald Trump. AT&T owns CNN, along with around 90-plus other major corporate divisions. Trump’s not a fan of CNN and giddily tweeted about the the CEO’s departure: