Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:02 p.m. No.19922702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2818



maybe German immigrants?

Under the conditions of a free -ish society and free market


Actually german and european nobility need to GTF out of the way. And stop stealing and orchistrating wars, famines, crashing markets , etc.

The German are screwed by the as well.

The best German immigrants in USA came to escapse those fucks just as did the religious dissidents from England and France.

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.19922821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2848 >>2865


Original Jews moved all over the place "Diaspora"


The story the King , the Kaisar, the Kharzar, gave a choice to his followers of the 3 religions, and they chose Judiaism, is maybe true. But as far as I am aware is a rumor. And unproved.

reality is: the Jewish people came from the Black Sea area.

Crimea and there abouts.

oldest Jewish settlements in the world are there.

The "bad Jews" the ones everyone blames everything on, are the Frankists, who are Nihilists and Satanists.

Palistine area near the Mediterrian Sea, is where the Brit. Zionist chose to created the "homeland"

Purpose of which was to get them all in one place so they could be killed WW3 to bring in their NWO.

their Reich.

And to control oil and Suez Canal.

They use the idea "Religions always create Wars" because they want to get rid of the idea of God, they are athests and occultists.

C.S. Lewis was a secret society guy who promoted that idea.

"Religions create War"

(i have the citiation from an essay of his "Cross Examination" from a collection of his essays "Christian Reunion and other essays")

Just as many "jews" are actually atheist and not Jews. Many ostensible Christians are secret socitey members and not Christians.

cf cross - reference


It was the British Zionists who created Israel in Palistine,

The homeland of the Jewish people is near the Black Sea.

Of course, Rome was so large, there was likely Jewish who traveled aroudn there back in the day?

and there are ruins of Roman cities, just as in Syria and Iraq.

But the places of interest in the ancient world were farther east.


The "Bad Jews" who are atheists, by definition, are used by the royals to cover -up.

(RED Shield, for example, which isn't even the real family name.

which is Baier, or Bayer something like that. Maybe Maier?)

It's because the Jews outlawed the "Roman" child sacrifices and other occult rituals (which were and are part of their "Roman" ancient religion.) is why they hate the actual religious Jews and continue to hate them and desire the eradicate them.

THEIR and They = equals the people who use the Jews as a shield

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:29 p.m. No.19922866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3062


they don't call them "jew -haters" because they desire to sanitize it.

Just as many words are banned and new version of the same word is made -up to soften the blow

for example


no longer politically correct

turns to


if you study it you find it means the exact same thing

The original term was softened because if someone was tagged with the label they would have a difficult time getting a job.

So it was too strong a term to be socially acceptable.

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.19922936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2957 >>2977


I'm making more than one point; Which are you asking about.

Why try to belittle my post?

People are claiming, including Jewish people I know, that they are not "Khazarians."

Everything is blamed on Khazarians - "Khazarisn Mafia" term used by Jew-haters.

The real Jewish mafia are Frankist atheist, left -handed occultist.

Just as the real Anglo -German Italian French mafia are Occultist and immoral. "left handed" / sinister path - Secret.

Truth is Jews come from the Black Sea region and, honestly, not from a different region than the one they were all convinced to move to, after ww2.

That's probably what's behind the idea to move them to Ukraine, now the population there is dessimated?

There's gene testing which supposeldy shows two strands of Jewish people in Palistine (Israel), the Askanazi and what is claimed to be the authenitic inhaitants of that area. Sephardic.

From what I understand Sepharics are from "Russia " or Afghanistan or Egypt and Ashkanazi from Germany, in the more recent past?


correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:48 p.m. No.19922957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I typed that wrong

There should n't be a "not" there.


It should read:

Truth is Jews come from the Black Sea region and, honestly, from a different region than the one they were all convinced to move to, after ww2.


the books of the Jewish religion, 5 books of Moses are said to have be written in Allepo, Syria

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.19922976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053


NAZI hates me

boo hoo

must be doing something correct.


As soon as it calls me a "fuckwit' and "retarded"


They need a new team

Hillarious F b 1

we already know your alliegences.

Anonymous ID: dc0225 Nov. 15, 2023, 4:03 p.m. No.19923050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3082


many things "historically accepted as fact"

are false.

It could be the "Khsarian" story about the King, was made-up to created the idea 'but they are something different from real Jews, who came before"

That I dispute.

More study is needed.

I'm open to being wrong; but can anyone prove it?

Some people believe that story is LEGEND

many legends are true and based upon real happenings.

But some aren't. And some are reflections of real happenings. Coded or twisted over time.

It could be a literary trope; containing cloaked messaging. As this book on the subject.

Which came in two versions. Male and Female.


The Rockefeller's art and film project was all about blurring the distinction between reality and fantasy.

Wonder how far back that project extends?

(have citations for that too)

but not now.