ID: 758d7c Nov. 15, 2023, 6:02 p.m. No.19923656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3740

Follow up SAUCE for a notable


"Four guys setup the gallows at 6:30am on January 6th!" Defense attorney pokes holes in J6 narrative


Defense attorney Ed Martin joins John Solomon and Amanda Head on Just The News No Noise with new footage from the morning of January 6th, 2021 saying four men were caught on cameria setting a hangman's gallows near the DC mall as early as 6:30 am local time.

ID: 758d7c Nov. 15, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19923708   🗄️.is 🔗kun





When I first looked at pic, I thought Nikki was the bride because she is clinging to the guy, when everyone else is pic is just standing on their own.

The dad is not touching his daughter,if that is his daughter, so why is Nikki leaning in to the guy?


Sure looks like Nikki got her a new young man.

So, i