Anonymous ID: fd4ddb Nov. 15, 2023, 5:05 p.m. No.19923372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427

I have been wanting to find out how "they" coordinate their nefarious deeds around the country. I've noticed a few things. Of course look at who is on which "board" and who is married to whom.


Also there seem to be organizations that will host, say a bunch of mayors to an event. Maybe the thing is portrayed as relevant to doing their jobs, but it basically turns into a way in which a bunch of non-elected folks get to mess in our lives.


The Vera Institute of Justice (accidentally wrote it as "for" earlier in another post) is one organization:


They are also going to "help" migrant children with legal issues. Quote from link:"In March 2022, the Vera Institute of Justice received a $171.7 million government contract (that could reach as high as $983 million if the contract is extended to March 2027) to provide unaccompanied migrant children legal assistance.[8](Red Text added.)


However, the Vera Institute of Justice is not the only spoopy group out there. Does anyone else remember EOLDN? I believe an election official in my area has some connection to this group. Here's a bit about EOLDN's "mission": (pics related- Note it has to do with CEIR!)


Quote: "Across the United States, election officials are enduring threats, harassment, intimidation, defamation, and, in some states, exposure to criminal penalties, for simply doing their jobs of administering fair elections.EOLDN stands by, ready to connect election officials in need of

qualified pro bono attorneys who can provide advice or assistance. " (Red Text added.) To me it looks like citizens getting involved and asking questions is upsetting some people.


Another thing I've found in my city is a "Foundation" or some such that ostensibly funds STEM in the public schools. However, the major district PR person (yes, the school district has a PR person) seems to have some connection to the Board of the "Foundation". I have to ask if the involvement of outside money is doing more than just funding a greenhouse for the High School, as an example of STEM funding that most people wouldn't get worried about.


Basically, philanthropy seems to be a means to get money flowing in a way that overrules or could overrule the interests of tax-payers.

Anonymous ID: fd4ddb Nov. 15, 2023, 5:31 p.m. No.19923488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons you may want to check out who is in this group:


Quote from link:"CEIR is led by Executive Director David Becker, a well-known expert in the elections community, with over two decades of experience protecting democracy. Before founding CEIR in 2016, Becker was Director of the Elections Initiatives portfolio at The Pew Charitable Trusts. "


Brad Raffensperger (GA SOS) and Matt Masterson (Microsoft, CISA)