Anonymous ID: 7baacd July 1, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.1992475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2994



You are wrong about say'anim being only jews. In gaza and the west bank they call the arab collaborators this way. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Sure if they have say'anim in the west, high chance they will be jews, just like it is a high chance that russian sayanim in the US will be russian-americans.


Israel is not only a victim, I never said that. Israel is a victim of the cabal like all other countries. It is a complicated country, since 1977 the politicians tried to navigate between the israeli deep state and the arab aggressors around them. Some times Israel played dirty, but most of the times it was the other way around, hear the rhetoric around them, of arab leaders through the years. It's all an orchestrated conflict by you know who… Sure Israel also played dirty. nobody is saying Israel is saint, but you got to look at the big picture.


btw I do believe that the sinking of the USS Liberty was an attempt by the corrupt semi communist Israeli government of the time to frame the Egyptian army during the six day war.


Personally I believe that there are forces both in the arab world and in Israel who wished to prolong the conflict as much as posible, while the politicians tried to survive.

Anonymous ID: 7baacd July 1, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.1992716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2994



as for hasbara:


>You are attempting to get people to stop >discussing Israel's kikery because it is oh so >comple and diverse. You are glowing to the 9th >degree.


discuss as much as you wish, but raise the level because you are talking about a country you have no idea about.


>Israel too is full of cabal controlled >bureaucracy - deep state, and it is very >powerful.


>Entirely my point.


So you are agreeing with a "JIDF" who says that Israel has a very powerful deep state in it


>The entire global political world especially >Hussein anti Israel


>Only when you look at his lying mouth.




From what I read they agreed to buy the plains to not anger him. They canceled the next wave of the deal and bought F-15 instead:


>Yeah, jews are always the victims right, even >when you keep the occupied people you are >genociding inside a death camp named Gaza >and you pretend like you don't kill Christians >who are Hama's members as you bulldoze >whatever you want. And that is not from the >JEWISH fake news media.


Listen to potus about gaza mr. pro palestine shill.

Death camp... You're as indoctrinated as the JIDF shills who think the US should fight Israeli war. I oppose both things.

Anonymous ID: 7baacd July 1, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.1993017   🗄️.is 🔗kun



you are talking shill level about very complex topics. Maybe because you are a shill?


al-quaeda in syria were allias to israel becuase their name was "jabhat al nusra". They fought against isis and the syrian army. Israel tried to gain as much as possible from this war in syria. eventualy they got Iran on their borders so that didn't go well now did it?


USSR vs US, I believe its all cabal created conflict.conflict. Or at least pushed to become a conflict.


Again Israel should fight its own wars with no lobbies. But you can understand why these lobbies started if you take to account that the arabs had lobbied with the USSR. It was all a dirty game of interests but you over simplify it.


believe what you want but I think the most important thing to a discussion is to see the big picture.


Of course Israel acted dirty and selfishly many times. But don't paint the arabs as saints. Most of the times Israel acted dirty in response to their aggression, many times too dirty, criminaly dirty (USS LIBERTY e.g.). Listen to what potus says and does regarding israel. He know it is a complicated situation.


The people need to survive in a hostile environment + there is a cabal that constantly fueling the conflict. Same with the arabs, people can't normalize trade with Israel because the division between people is that big, and regimes keep pushing for it.


Overall cabal messed the middle east big time, ever since WW1.


You want to expand your thinking and see the big picture, but you talk about a "palestinian genocide". This proves you have no idea what you are alking about and you are being fed the "paliwood" narative.