Anonymous ID: a0747b July 1, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.1992756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979



You are probably one of the many NCP's on the chan.

NCP = Normally Credible People.


I believe there will come a time when people will be ready to listen. The trick will be how to progressively reveal the work that Q's team have been doing. I have started putting together talks for people in my church most of whom find DJT unbearable.


So far I have got to base 1 - dealing with the reality of conspiracies by looking at the biblical narrative of the fall and the great conspiracy from the father of all lies. If Jesus was tempted then what about all the others (Herod, Caesar, etc) is a strong argument about the reality of temptation and a tempter. Understanding the weaponisation of the phrase "conspiracy theory" is a necessary pre-requisite step in building credibility.


One must first dis-arm the eye-roll response to the word conspiracy


Next Step is to discuss the reality of the Deep State being akin to the reality of a "Black Market"

The deep state does not have a logo or registered office but it exists in the same way that the black market exists.


From there to Q.




The recruitment of "Spiritual Forces" by people to obtain their bestial desires will be another plank to fit into the mix.


One must remain stoical in the meantime - but one can be buzy.