Anonymous ID: 1e93e4 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:03 p.m. No.19924582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4589 >>4590

Highly recommended tools for the mind expansion game (1/2)

Idea Map

This is an Idea Map. It is a tool I use to expand my thinking, to connect the dots and to heal my brain. It's a way of communicating with the subconscious mind, using different colours, shapes and arrangements to access the vast amount of stored data that is usually hidden from the conscious mind.

Idea association.

Idea evolution.

The Idea Map changes over time. Handmade puzzle pieces come and go, as solutions flow.

Themes develop.

Patterns emerge.

Connections are made.

Layers build.

New questions arise.

Meta-themes come to light; thinking expands.

Connections solidify; thinking strengthens.


You will need:

-a board or wall space (options: cork board with push pins; white board with magnets; wall space with bluetack or rolled-up masking tape)


-coloured felt-tip pens or markers

Optional: stickers, paper or card in different colours, pictures/magazine clippings or other collage material.

Dollar store art supplies work great for this.

Anonymous ID: 1e93e4 Nov. 15, 2023, 10:07 p.m. No.19924589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4616 >>4619 >>4623


Highly recommended tools for the mind expansion game (2/2)


Handwritten notes keep us anchored to the physical world and create a record of our thoughts and experiences through time. Having a place to put your ideas encourages new ideas to happen.

The animated movie How to Train Your Dragon gives a good demonstration of the benefits of having a notebook for creating your own designs.

Who knows what new inventions might emerge out of your humble scrawl. Anything is possible.


You will need:

-a notebook

-a pen