Anonymous ID: a125bc 1/2 Nov. 15, 2023, 8:03 p.m. No.19924303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4305 >>4309 >>4318 >>4335

Slut Genocide: Hamas Committing a Genocide of Armed Jew Sluts

Sarah Fortinsky November 13, 2023


The above video was recently released by the IDF, showing that only women are dying in the Israeli war against Palestine.


Accompanying the video was a statement from the Israeli Defense Ministry, saying “many hot little numbers with tight figures are getting their brains blown out by Amalek, and now is the time for true vengeance.”


The Ministry explained that Hamas terrorists are fond of “chopping the breasts off of young women and then putting the breasts on their heads like Mickey Mouse ears and forcing them to do the dance from ‘Fantasia.'”


If the girls make one wrong step, the Ministry added, “Hamas will kick them into a burning pit of ashes, where their bones disintegrate in a matter of seconds.”


Israel’s army is entirely composed of women between the ages of 18 and 23.


The statement described further atrocities committed by Hamas. Many of the stories were eerily similar to atrocities committed by Hitler during the Holocaust.


The IDF documented multiple cases of Hamas forcing a female soldier to swallow a rope, until she had swallowed enough length that they were able to pull the end of the rope out of her rectum. They then tied the end of the rope to a bucket of acid, and pulled the rope through her anus until the bucket of acid flew into her face and splashed her, boiling off her skin.


“In such a case, the entire skull disintegrates in mere seconds,” the Ministry confirmed.


In another horrific instance recounted by the Ministry, Hamas will strip a female soldier naked and shove her face first into a barrel full of maggots. “As the maggots crawl all over her lovely face and breasts, the Hamas terrorist will insert two sticks of dynamite, one in the vagina and one in the anus,” the statement recounted. “They light the sticks of dynamite, and blow off the bottom half of her body, then roll the barrel into a flaming pit.”


“The most amazing part is that the maggots will escape the barrel, and crawl back to their terrorist masters, ready for another round,” the shocking statement explained.


The sexists in Hamas are also forcing female soldiers to do dishes until their fingers break. After all their fingers are broken, the women are forced to do the dishes with their feet. After their toes are all broken from too much dishwashing, a censor triggers an axe to swing down from the ceiling and slice their bodies in half, right down the middle.


The statement concluded by claiming that the things Hamas were doing were “far beyond Itchy & Scratchy levels of barbarity,” saying: “people want to make the comparison to this cartoon, but in truth, the writers of The Simpsons never could have come up with scenes of violence so horrific.”


Here’s an IDF statement from female spokesman (the entire IDF is all women):

Anonymous ID: a125bc 2/2 Nov. 15, 2023, 8:03 p.m. No.19924305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But Seriously


The idea that the IDF is composed of attractive young women is simply absurd. No military on earth sends women into combat, and that includes the IDF.


These photos of dead female soldiers are fake. This is not happening. There is no evidence of it happening. Every IDF soldier you see in these videos is a swarthy (non-Ashkenazim) male Jew.


These claims about the entire army being made up of women need to be fact-checked.


The Jew media admits that they are not actually put in combat roles:


In 2014’s Gaza war (which was a lot, lot less serious), Israel said that “fewer than 4%” of “combat roles” were filled by women, and the way they identified “combat roles” could be support on a helicopter and a field medic, among other roles that are not actually “combat roles.”


You cannot put women in actual infantry. It has never been done and it never will be done. Maybe if you shoot them up with testosterone, like that f-to-m school shooter, you could get them to help shoot unarmed children, but that’s the extent of it. Sorry. This is just real life. There is no such thing as “female soldiers.”


These girls are constantly shown as if they are fighting in the streets, but this is just simply not real at all. It’s purposeful propaganda to compel men to support the Jewish military. If men believe the military is some kind of anime type shit with attractive girls, they will register sympathy for them.


The Jews spam the internet with “sexy IDF girls” propaganda.


Most of those girls are not even Jewish, by the way, let alone IDF soldiers. But men see this on the internet, and their brains register it as something real, and then when they hear about the “Israeli Military,” their brain pulls up images of these sexy girls. They immediately have a sense of a need to protect them, and they of course support them against the nasty brown men with greasy beards.


It’s really low level, primitive, nasty propaganda.


I don’t believe that any Israeli female soldiers have been killed in Gaza. Obviously, women were killed in the initial Hamas attack, but there is no possible way that Israel is sending women into Gaza to fight in the streets, and they are definitely not driving tanks.


This is an absolute hoax, like everything else the Jews promote.


Do people forget that time the Jews said the flu was going to kill your grandma if you didn’t take their experimental gene therapy treatment? And then it killed all those people?


Why would anyone ever trust the Jews?