Anonymous ID: c49a6d Nov. 15, 2023, 7:16 p.m. No.19924101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4155 >>4185 >>4205 >>4315 >>4376 >>4387 >>4392 >>4428 >>4433 >>4543 >>4667 >>4728








Tomorrow The Government Will Vote For The Biden Administration To Take TOTAL CONTROL Of The Internet 🚨


President Biden's Plan to Give the Administrative State Effective Control of all Internet Services and Infrastructure in the U.S.


FCC Commissioner, The Joe Biden Administration Has Put Together & Is Planning On Implementing The Most Comprehensive Internet Censorship/ Control Plan In History. The Government Will Assume “Effective Control Of All Internet Services”


@elonmusk you definitely need to see this 🚨


The Biden administration has just put forward a plan for digital equity. And it is a plan for all internet services and all infrastructure.


According to FCC Commissioner Carr, President Biden's plan hands the administrative state effective control of all internet services and infrastructure in the country. Never before in the roughly 40-year history of the public internet has the FCC, or any federal agency for that matter, claimed this degree of control over it.


The plan calls for the FCC to apply a far-reaching set of government controls that the agency has not applied to any technology in the modern era.


You got that? This has never been done before. No communication devices have ever had this kind of control suggested by the government, let alone applied.


He went on and said, Congress never contemplated the sweeping regulatory regime that president Biden asked the FCC to adopt, let alone authorize the agency to implement it. Here's what's happening. As with everything else the Biden administration is doing, his broadband policies are failing and the building of internet infrastructure in this country, uh, the price of it has gone through the roof.


FCC wants new 5G broadband services, but it's all needlessly been blocked and delayed by new broadband infrastructure regulatory red tape. So the government is blocking the private sector from doing it and then using that to say, see, we need to take complete control.


This is breathtaking control of all information.


The rules, the the rules that are suggested and are going to be voted on, quick, hurry, next week, the federal government has a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the internet functions.

Anonymous ID: c49a6d Nov. 15, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.19924155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185 >>4264


Reminder: Code monkey created lokinet and project thor for just in case, but don't think they've booted it up, or learned the syntax or process. Also I don't think Jim hasn't unleashed Odin yet. Might be important in the future, just noting it.