Q, the university system and the msdnc news media. These two organizations have irrefutably conspired with each other among many others, in waging war on this country without firing one, single shot. If these two subversive, treasonous enemies of the people are not the first entities to be taken down, destroyed and reconstituted, this never ends. EVER!!
Does the 1st Amendment and "freedom of the press" give the news media the right to aid and abet treason? Does it give the marxiist professors and administrators an inalienable right to indoctrinate and brainwash their students? Does it give the news media the inalienable right to propagate, push and promote a literal attempt at a coup d'eta against a Presidential candidate, a sitting President? I think the case can be made that it does not.
At the very least a RICO case can be made.