What is this guy quoting or pulling his information from?
At 8:12 in vid:
“The reason that some people feel the Rapture is a false teaching is that the Light Chamber process and the Transport process perform a type of memory wipe so that after they arrive, they won’t realize they are no longer on earth”
Soooo…more obfuscation, fuckeries, and lies. Sounds like a bunch of smoke and mirrors to move the slaves to their new slave colony under false pretenses. Why does the memory always have to wiped unless they are hiding something?
Your rendering of the mound reminded me that I should post this rendering of my cat made by a friend this weekend after a mushroom trip. She’s never been to the board nor seen a meme of the mound, AFAIK.
Exactly! “It’s all a bunch of lies on both sides”
WTF are you on about? I responded to the video post which was a response to my post. I’ve posted zero videos this morning, faggot.
No doubt!
No worries. I was just bitching about the lies and mind wipe fuckery by our overlords, anyway. Sort of a pointless endeavor on my part.
Might be one of the most cogent statements I’ve seen posted round these parts in a while.
Quick! Paint the building housing receipts for the audit blue to protect from the DEW!
>rather than getting scared into submission by all these globalist-financed protests
This would require people using their brians to think and act for themselves. Will never happen. Requires too much personal sacrifice and responsibility for the average individual.
>even peacefully
This seems the only real way to win…stop playing their bullshit game. Walk the fuck away, peacefully and orderly. But with head on swivel ready to defend oneself.
Interesting that this is released at the same time the supposed call for jihad in 15 US cities is making the rounds.
It’s called we do a little trolling…