All of these LGBTQ+ advocates who preach tolerance and love, don't seen to have any tolerance or love for Christians.
I prefer to pray that their hearts are transformed and that they turn away from their perversions and seek to do the will of God.
But if they are trying to lead children astray, then I don't reject the millstone treatment.
corruption never fixes itself
The foxes need to be removed from the hen house.
70% of the people in Congress are Criminals.
The Bidens are criminals.
The Judicial system is filled with criminals.
But who will remove the foxes?
Anytime I have gone into a Target, which isn't very often, there are hardly any customers.
Where is everyone?
Why is it that only White people are not allowed to be racist?
But all other people are allowed to be raciest against White people?
There is a vitriol hatred toward White people.
Especially Straight White Men.
They are Virtue Signaling SJWs trying to prove to the world that they aren't racist.
White people were taught to be color blind.
Everyone else was taught to hate White people.
This guy says that White people have an easier time than non-White people.
He perpetuates the hatred.
Virtue Signaling.
>(((who))) is pushing this race mixing miscegenation propaganda?
They call you goy.
Do pimps and prostitutes pay income tax?
C!A agent/asset Osama Bin Laden?
Biden calls on a specific reporter, gets a question, then reads the answer off a card. In other words, he knows the question, then reads the answer. What is going on here?