Not quite so cocky this morning, are you, Diversity Tucker, Harpy of Hannitus, and Neo-Con wonder tards Dooshey and Kilmud? Still playing DvR and using polls to influence public opinion rather than reflect public opinion.
No, you're just becoming moar insignificant by the day. Have you figured it out that it wasn't in the memes yet? Using the regular ones of your target never drove him off either, and via projection you've revealed that you're most likely the Langley tard. You're still playing the halfchan bait game, because that's all you have left.
The only thing you're exposing is yourself Langley-tard.
To him memes are people, he's said it many times. It's just an act. He can't be that stupid.
>Keep trying to manufacture that "organic consensus", glownigger.
You've been caught IP hopping in this very bread, moran. But you continue dancing your little Langley retard dance with your shoes of stupidity on. Now continue your little game of slide, I'm done with your sad, traitor ass.
It's the retard that bakes as Tranimae.
Yes, that is a moar fitting name, isn't it? I'll refer to that idiot as Loretta-tard from now on, Anon,
Loretta-tard, the little loser from Langley
They must be having a coffee break as their flow ended abruptly.
2" or smaller. I should greenstuff a banner with a familiar pattern today…
Method to the madness, however it began as an experiment at the start of the pandemic, you can figure out why, which just ended as a bad habit that helps break down pride.
Not one, that's the funny thing.
Now I can have my morning coffee. Filled the grinder with a 1 to 1 ratio of hazelnut vanilla and coconut macaroon flavored beans this morning.
Nice IP hop, retard. I do not use another device as I have no need to. Odd how you fail with yours.
CP Linker is most likely the Mimic, aka Loretta.
Pretty sure that's not a fight you want to pick, Fedfags.