Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.19925747   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what Milley left in Afghanistan


U.S. Military Lingo: The (Almost) Definitive Guide

By Ben Brody December 4, 2013


Superbase: The only bases that fall into this category right now are Kandahar Airfield and Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. They are built around supporting the regional military commands, and are logistical hubs for forces in the area. Soldiers stationed at these bases have access to the most comfortable living quarters, the most variety in food, shopping and socializing. For example, Kandahar Airfield has a weekly "Salsa Night" dance party near the TGI Friday's.

Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 8:16 a.m. No.19925903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Noah's Ark Has Been Discovered (Again)

Lincoln Brown Nov. 16, 2023


As someone who once aspired to the ministry and remains interested in matters of faith and religion, I was rather tickledto see that Noah’s Ark had once again been discovered. I am a columnist, and in a recent survey of the daily doom-scroll, I ran across the headline: “Archaeologists discover boat-shaped mound that could be NOAH’S ARK in Turkish ruins.” My fellow writers have often dismissed the website offering the story as sketchy, but bless my soul, the armchair religious scholar in me could not help but click on it. Why? For the same reason that people indulged in “Ancient Aliens” …tune in to “MonsterQuest” every week. I was not expecting to be edified but entertained for an hour. Think of it as mental Twinkies. No nutritional value, but plenty of fun. I was not disappointed to learn that archeologists had found a mound containing "clayey and marine materials and seafood." I suppose the mound could be the ruins of Noah’s Ark. It could also be the remains of an ancient Turkish food truck.


The discovery of Noah’s Ark makes the lower-tier headlines now and then. There was also the story of the man who claimed he had found the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah based on some sulfur deposits. In that documentary, the gentleman proceeded to point to every geological and topographical feature in the area and declare that they were the former Sodom city offices. Just as some may be quick to declare the mound to be proof of biblical accuracy, others are equally quick to remind us that the Mesopotamian “Epic of Gilgamesh” contains a very similar story of a great flood and predates the Genesis account by centuries. So, who came first? Utnapishtim or Noah? The truth is that it doesn’t matter. Before you start gathering kindling and locating a stake, allow me to explain.

The writer of Genesis and those of the mythologies of the rest of the Ancient Near East held very different worldviews.

In many of the contemporary cultures, the creation of the universe was brought about by an act of violence, such as the slaying of the dragon Tiamat. Humans were created as byproducts of bodily fluids like blood, sweat, or semen.Or, if people were purposely created, their job was to do the tasks that lower gods felt were beneath them. In one case, humans are created to dig irrigation ditches. The gods themselves may have been supernatural, but their whims, attitudes, appetites, and behaviors were the same as any human’s and were often greatly magnified. The universe, humanity, and the gods that controlled both were essentially products or agents of lust, anger, hunger, and greed.

By contrast, in Genesis, God chooses to bring order out of chaos. The universe is planned, and its construction is intricately executed. Far from being an accident or designated for scut work, humanity is carefully drawn first from the soil and then from one another. And the creation and union of the first humans is considered by God to be “very good.”

Calamity ensues when these people void the social contact with Godand give in to their desires, much in the same way as the other gods of the Ancient Near East. In “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” Utnapishtim arrives very late to the action in the story. He tells Gilgamesh the story of how the gods decided to destroy humanity for basically being too loud and a source of irritation… In Genesis, God chooses to flood the world because humanity has continued to violate the social contract with a vengeance. People are no longer in a relationship with God and, by extension, one another. The chaos God sought to quell with the creation of the world has been recreated.

In the end, it does not matter which story came first. They are two different stories. “The Epic of Gilgamesh” would have us shrug our shoulders and say, “Well, after all, it is what it is. Whaddya gonna do?" The Genesis accounts of Creation and the Flood call us to examine our lives and our relationships to a transcendent God and each other. These Genesis stories remind us of the social contract that was established when God laid the foundations of the Earth and of our inability to hold up our end of the bargain. And so we should not be too taken aback when Hamas terrorists overrun the borders of Israel to rape, kill, maim, and kidnap, anti-Semitism again rears its head across the globe, Ohio votes to uphold abortion policies, or even when Megan Rapinoe opines that her recent injury is proof that there is no God. These things only point to the actual truth of Genesis, no matter the age of the earth or the presence or absence of an ark.


Note the date:


23-Nov-20193:53:37 PM EST


It's going to be Biblical!



Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.19925984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018

The Morning Briefing: So Much for 'Nikkimentum'



One of the most tiring things about being a Republican is that one has to spend so much time being annoyed with Republican politicians. This also applies to being a conservative who, for lack of any better choices, votes for a lot of Republicans.

Even the politicians who seem to have the purest, most liberty-minded intentions when they start out get warped by the national stage and greater fame. I met Nikki Haley in 2010, shortly before she was first elected Governor of South Carolina. A handful of Tea Party activists at a conference were invited to a Q-and-A luncheon featuring her and the late, great Herman Cain.

I remember most of us being somewhat impressed with Haley at the time. Because we were all Tea Party types, we did come armed with a healthy amount of reserve and skepticism, though. We were always ready for the other shoe to drop after meeting any politician we liked at first.

As Haley's stature grew in the Republican Party, there were a couple of soft shoedrops along the way. The other day, a lead boot hit the ground.


My friend Stephen Green has the story:

There are plenty of reasons to like former U.N. Ambassador, former South Carolina governor, and current GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, like when she publicly spanks rival Vivek Ramaswamy in one debate after another. But after reading the latest about her, maybe there's just that one reason.

Whatever the number is,if Haley hadn't already fallen off my list of candidatesI might possibly vote for in Colorado's Republican primary next spring,she removed herself from it with extreme prejudice on Tuesdaywhen she came out against free speech on the internet.

"The second thing," Haley told Fox News on Tuesday while discussing online speech, "is every person on social media should be verified by their name."

"When you do that," she continued, "all of a sudden people have to stand by what they say. And it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots. And then you're going to get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say, and they know their pastor and their family members are going to see it."


Totalitarian much there, ambassador?

I've been dealing with anonymous randos on the internet for a very long time now. Yes, they can be very irritating. On the other hand, there are many anonymous social media accounts that are valuable contributors to national political conversations.

As VodkaPundit and many others have pointed out since Haley stepped in it with her jackboots on this issue, many of the people who were integral to the founding of this great nation wrote anonymously. In troubled times when revolution is in the air,that's the way to stay alive.

In 2023 Joe Biden's America, the ability to remain anonymous while expressing oneself online is especially important for conservatives. The cancel crowd is forever on the lookout for conservatives whose lives it can ruin. Haley's harebrained idea would essentially serve only to shut up people on the right. That's really not a good look for someone who is campaigning to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States.

Mr. Green points out the potential for abuse here, noting that,"Once given the power to compel speakers to reveal their identities, you know that Washington would define its new authority as broadly as possible."

Haley had been getting a little momentum in the GOP primary race, for whatever that's worth. It's pretty safe to say that she just gave a master class on the destruction of goodwill and political capital. This was Haley's "Howard Dean Scream" moment.

What was most disturbing was that this wasn't a slip of the tongue for Haley. She had obviously thought it out and believed it to be a great idea. The call for "civility" was almost as offensive as the unconstitutional aspect of Haley's Soviet proposal. This is not the time in history for civility or nice guy/gal Republicans. Were in a battle for the future of the United States. The Democrats are doing all that they can to permanently destroy our freedoms. The last thing we need are Republicans like Nikki Haley giving them an assist.

Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19926039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164

16 Nov, 2023 10:27

Zelensky comments on ‘frozen conflict’ prospects

The Ukrainian president told visiting reporters that Kiev has “already lost too many people”


The next generation of Ukrainians, or their offspring, may end up fighting if Ukraine’s conflict with Russia becomes ‘frozen’ at this stage, President Vladimir Zelensky has told a group of visiting journalists in Kiev. He also said his government is working to prevent such an outcome.


The Ukrainian head of state’s latest comments, made on Wednesday, follow an admission by the country’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzhny, that Kiev and Moscow are locked in a “stalemate,” with neither side apparently in a position to launch a decisive offensive.


Asked about the prospects, Zelensky insisted that “if there is a stalemate and a frozen conflict, we have to honestly say that our children, or our grandchildren, will have to fight” – something Kiev wants to avoid, he added.(Gusranteed there will be a mass exodus from Ukraine, “it will Biblicall”)


According to the president, though his country has “already lost too many people,” Ukraine cannot afford to even think about freezing the conflict, “however hard it may be.”


“If we want to end the war, we must end it,” he proclaimed, insisting that Russia must be “put in its place,” or else it would strike again later on.


In an interview with Reuters last week, Zelensky stated that his country would continue fighting until it recaptured all territories within its 1991 borders, despite large swathes now being part of Russia, even if the US withdraws support. Earlier last week, he claimed that Kiev had a “plan” that would help bring some “results” on the battlefield by the end of the year.


The president’s recent series of statements follow a bombshell article in The Economist by Ukraine’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzhny earlier this month, in which he conceded that Kiev’s military was unlikely to carry out a “deep and beautiful breakthrough.” The general also said the conflict in its present form could “drag on for years.”


Zaluzhny quickly came under fire from the Zelensky administration, with several media outlets having claimed since the clash that, behind closed doors, Western officials may be pushing Ukraine to finish the conflict, even if that means territorial concessions.


Speaking last Thursday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov insisted that there was no way the Russian military could be defeated, adding that it was not deadlocked, contrary to Zaluzhny’s assessment.


As for the prospects for peace, the Russian leadership has never ruled out talks with Kiev and President Vladimir Putin repeatedly pointed out that it is Ukraine that is unwilling to engage in dialogue. A decree signed by President Zelensky, which bans any such negotiations, is cited by Moscow as evidence of this.


Last month, Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder claimed that, in March 2022, weeks after the outbreak of fighting, the US government wouldn’t allow Kiev to reach a peace agreement with Moscow – a version of events supported by Russian officials.


(Zelensky should get out now!)

Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 9:12 a.m. No.19926164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


16 Nov, 2023 08:16

US Abrams tanks made no difference – (Ingrate) Zelensky

The Ukrainian president told the media that the 31 donated vehicles were too few to become a game changer


The M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks provided to Ukraine by the US have hardly made a difference on the battlefield, President Vladimir Zelensky said in a discussion with journalists from several African nations published by his office on Wednesday.


Zelensky explained that thebatch of 31 vehicles, which were fully delivered by mid-October, is too small. While praising the American weapon’s quality, he said, “So far, I can hardly say that they play a particularly important role on the battlefield.There are too few of them.”


“For better or for worse, we have many different kinds of tanks,” the Ukrainian president said, describing the US-provided variant as but one part of the fleet.


These remarks align with what Col. Martin O’Donnell, a US Army Europe and Africa spokesman, told the media as he confirmed the completion of Washington’s handover of the units to Kiev. He said, “The Abrams tank is one hell of an armored vehicle, but it’s not a silver bullet.”


In January, the US agreed to supply Ukraine with enough Abrams tanks to arm a single battalion as part of its military assistance against Russia. The delivery started in September and was completed a month later. Previously, the Pentagon argued against sending the tanks, saying that Abrams was too difficult and expensive to operate to be of much use to Kiev.


The range of weapons sent to Kiev by its Western donors has been described as a “zoo”by Ukrainian troops. According to Western media reports, this variability causes issues with the compatibility of munitions, adds to the challenge of repairing damaged hardware, and makes training soldiers on how to operate weapon platforms more cumbersome.


The Ukrainian military has incorporated a diverse range of armored vehicles into its arsenal, including French AMX-10RC fighting vehicles, German Leopard tanks, British Challenger 2 tanks, and American Abrams tanks. These supplies were anticipated to enhance Kiev’s capabilities for breaking through Russian defensive lines during the summer. However, the anticipated counteroffensive did not yield the desired success.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted to the news of the Abrams tank’s arrival in Ukraine at the time by stating, “These will burn too.”


(Most likely he’ll blame the loss of the entire war and territory on the Western Nations, not giving enough money and support. I suspect some Western IC agencies are looking fofr ways to early retire him.)

Anonymous ID: 5877ec Nov. 16, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19926266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

16 Nov, 2023 13:17

Russian kamikaze drone obliterates British-designed howitzer (VIDEO)

Marines used a Lancet drone to strike a woodland-covered FH70 artillery piece used by Ukrainian troops


A Russian marine unit fighting on the frontline of the Ukraine conflict has used a Lancet loitering munition to destroy a Kiev-operated, British-designed FH70 howitzer. The Russian Defense Ministry identified the targeted gun as it shared footage of the strike on Thursday.


The attack was reportedly launched by the 336th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade, part of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. The clip included footage from the drone’s on-board camera and from another aircraft, presumably a reconnaissance drone, which filmed the engagement from above. The hit appeared to detonate artillery shells stored at the site hidden inside a windbreak.


The video had been circulating on Russian-military-themed social media for several days before the ministry vouched for it. Some outlets suggested that the Lancet was of a newer model, equipped with a night-vision sensor that older variants lacked.


Ukraine's Western backers have been sending FH70 155mm towed howitzers to the conflict since last year. Estonia pledged its entire stockpile of 24 pieces, while Italy provided an unspecified number of guns, estimated at ten by some defense analysts.


Lancet drones are reportedly one of the primary threats to Ukrainian heavy weapons on the frontline. The Kalashnikov-produced system has a distinctive shape thanks to its two sets of X-wings and comes in two principal versions, with payloads weighing one and three kilograms respectively. Designer Zala Aero is said to be improving its products as it gets feedback from the conflict zone.


Aleksandr Mikheev, head of the Russian arms-export agency Rosoboronexport, has claimed a high interest in the Lancet drones from potential foreign buyers.


“However, it is not supplied to foreign markets because the Russian armed forces have a high demand for it and there is no export permission for it yet,” he told TASS on Wednesday on the sidelines of the Dubai Airshow 2023 military expo.