Type in Black People Killing A White Man
The internet is backwards.
The internet thinks that Black people never kill White people.
Who is running the internet?
Type in Black People Killing A White Man
The internet is backwards.
The internet thinks that Black people never kill White people.
Who is running the internet?
Type in
Black man with a knife
and most of the pics that show up
will be of a
White man with a knife.
Someone hates Whitey.
We've know this for a long time.
What's to be done about it?
We the People are powerless.
They have made sure of that.
>the Facebook founder
The Face of Facebook
The Jewish Face of Facebook
designed by DARPA
White people use Black people when they are trying to Virtue Signal.
See, I'm not prejudiced, I married a Black person.
See, I'm not prejudiced, I adopted a Black kid.
You think Black people are stupid and don't see thru this ruse that Virtue Signaling White people are trying to pull?
Like when Black people make fun of White people when White people all claim to "have a Black friend."
See, I'm not racist, I have a Black friend.
I love Black People.
Black people laugh their asses off at White people trying to bend over backwards to prove that they aren't Racist.
Black people can be as racist against White people as they want to be and don't try to prove otherwise.
Because White people were taught to be color blind.
And Black people were taught to hate and make fun of Whitey.
I will not hold my breath for Justice to prevail in this Country.
Which is why "digging" is important.
Too many Normies just look at the first thing that pops up and never bother to scroll down or look at other pages where the real info. can actually be found.
Like telling your City Counsel that you don't want Gay Pride Parades in your town, at your parks, or in your libraries, or at your schools.
I'm sure they will listen.
And that you don't want BLM marching down your streets.
Then once your City Council has labeled you as a "Trouble Maker," the police will harass you and the ordinance officer will harass you, etc.
They Masons who control local government will make sure of it.
CRT teaches that All Whites Are Racist.