Anonymous ID: c8ab8b Nov. 16, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.19927450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7566


they've been programmed for their role of being top level managers and though they are just the same as everyone else, they were fed the 'smarter than' 'chosen' psy op their whole lives.

they really believe it some of them.

so how do you deprogram someone who has a superioritycomplex and explain 'no, you're not better than they are?'


it's not easy to do.

they were used to getting it all easily due to their special status, that 'go to the head of the class, get the job without much hassle, be the middle manager who gets access to the budget' role.

so you say 'by the way you were given special treatment, how come you never figured that out. ' They'll just say 'you hater! how dare you'


the probably won't say 'we really are smarter than you ' but maybe they will think it.


of course this isn't all of them but many of them

and the same kind of dynamic applies when ever you have an apartheid regime.

Anonymous ID: c8ab8b Nov. 16, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.19927713   🗄️.is 🔗kun



you don't speak for all Jews.

ask yourself this: did they tell you that Jews are smarter than other people? I've heard that is often told.

Did they say that is the reason that Jews always have the top jobs, I've heard them say that too, "becuase we're smarter, of course we get the top jobs"

or how about this: Jews demand to be included in everything and have law suits to say 'we want to be in your country club' with people they don't even like . . . doing stuff that they don't want to do.

and yet support an (and they don't all support it) aparthide regime.

if you demand that your group be included in every nation and then go there and build walls around yourself and take all the top jobs and descriminate, and then run an aparthide regime in another place, that was home to very many other people, how do you reconcile that?

how do you sleep knowing that you demand equality, but actually think you're better than others in your own 'state'?


how do you justify all that?


supremicism and hypocrisy are what is often found with the cabal Jews.

and you can say 'oh scape goats' and that's just you telling us what you were told so you'd buy into the 'it is ok we run everything because we really are better and are targetted'


and you can be angry at me for telling you what others percieve and call me names, and it happens to so many that they just stay mute about it. But the time for aparthide is over world wide, and that include in the Levant.