Anonymous ID: 776727 Nov. 16, 2023, 5:57 p.m. No.19928902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There I was with an awesome LinkedIn account where I slowly built up to a hardcore anti-vax crescendo. Even posted about shots (prior to COVID) being bioweapons. Went international with my account. One of my connections was a German physicist and another was interested in health in Africa. I would warn ANYONE about the CDC and such. I felt like I was sharing truth that could save lives. Then LI pulled my account down after I posted the man (during "COVID") with 6 friends who committed suicide when their businesses went under. He said the government was "lucky" or something that Americans were so law abiding. Maybe this upset "tptw" (the powers that were) but its rather true.

Anonymous ID: 776727 Nov. 16, 2023, 6:10 p.m. No.19928962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973



Yeah. One of them is the Vera Institute of Justice. I guess I don't know if they profit directly from the hotels but they got money from the government to help migrant minors with legal assistance.


"In March 2022, the Vera Institute of Justice received a $171.7 million government contract (that could reach as high as $983 million if the contract is extended to March 2027) to provide unaccompanied migrant children legal assistance.[8]"

Anonymous ID: 776727 Nov. 16, 2023, 6:15 p.m. No.19928987   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I started noticing this with Dr. Paul Offit (Off-it?!) who is passionate about sticking needles in children ("vaccines").


Then I noticed Dr. Wakefield (WAKE-FIELD?!) was on the "good guy" team.


Dr. Richard Pan's name invites so many memes its not funny, but as a Christian I try to avoid name calling as its not right to name-call people made in the image of God, even if they act despicably. This leads me to pray much.