Anonymous ID: bce2ea Nov. 16, 2023, 8:16 p.m. No.19929479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Its' OK to think maybe the IDF went too far.

It's OK to support the Jews in Israel.

It's not mutually exclusive to want the least amount of death for the Palestinians even though Hamas did the horrible stuff they did.

One can say "I support Israel in their fight against Hamas" and also "Israel needs to modify their aparthide regime"

And for all those Jews who suddenly realize that the Democrats are throwing them under the bus to support Hamas: even though so many Jews hated Trump and slandered him, he still worked to do what was right for Israel.

It's OK to love and support Trump for president.

Calling him what M. Rappaport did though, is a bit much. Michael, grow up. You're middle aged and don't need to be spewing hateful insults like you do.

Anonymous ID: bce2ea Nov. 16, 2023, 8:27 p.m. No.19929535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9540


what did you do that was sinful that made it so you feel as though God doesn't message you anymore?

don't tell me, tell Him and ask him to forgive you.

Tell Him you know he loves you and that you're sorry you turned your back to Him.

and then tell Him you'll wait, no rush, you know He'll talk to you.

and then go about your day.

do something good for someone.

read something that makes you think about how awesome God is.

Think about how awesome God is. Love God without expectations.

and don't be dispaired.

Anonymous ID: bce2ea Nov. 16, 2023, 8:37 p.m. No.19929567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9610


Rappaport is news worthy.

He's a rational guy who lets his emotions make him irrational.

He thinks he's a moral guy , but the things he says seem to make him come off as a jerk.

He's flawed guy who we wish was fixed and not so broken.

and maybe this is the first step to him coming out of his Trump Derangement Syndrome.

So when you're praying for Donald, you can also pray for Michael.