Jewish shills here and the Jewish shills in MSM and in Government always pretend
"as if" Jews are "attacked" for NO REASON.
When a Jew calls you "anti-Semitic" it means you're on the side of GOOD.
Jewish shills here and the Jewish shills in MSM and in Government always pretend
"as if" Jews are "attacked" for NO REASON.
When a Jew calls you "anti-Semitic" it means you're on the side of GOOD.
I meant the "2 planes took down 3 buildings" is bullshit. No one in NYC thinks that, not then and not now.
Read carefully. anon.
Thermite was found so I believe that Thermite exploded the Twin Towers.
and today Rudy Giuliani on the Roseanne Barr interview said the ground underneath was 2,000 degrees hot afterwards.
Was Thermite hot enough to dustify the Towers?
I'm a Manhattanite, then and now. My fren's brother was killed in the Tower, I have family who worked in one of those buildings back then but was not harmed.
It bothers me that 20 years later, NON New Yorkers deflect that day to fucking Bldg 7 in which NO ONE DIED because it was fully evacuated for the announced on TV Planned Demolition.
It's to mind warp the sheeple into focusing on the least important thing, and not things like the 5 Dancing Israelis.
WHO killed 2,996 Americans on 9-11 is the relevant issue.
Yeah it was announced all over TV by Mayor Giuliani, NYC Fire Chief that Bldg 7 was too damaged to let people back to work in it and would be demolished.
This BBC hack was WAITING for the demolition.
SOMEBODY wants to harp on bldg 7 so you forget about the 2,600 people who were KILLED in the Twin Towers.
Telltale sign of Shill: New Yorkers called that complex Building 6, Building 7.
NO New Yorker ever called it "WTC 7"
This is some low IQ Jewish shilling.
New York Times:
The 5 dancing Israels were congratulating each other
Nothing triggers a Jewshill like the JIDF.
On local TV they showed the Roof of bldg 7 had debris from the Twin Towers had fallen on it.
Also the Front facade of Bldg 7 had a big diagonal GASH from upper left to lower right, which cut through the windows and concrete/metal.
WHY is Bldg 7 so important? compared to the Twin Towers which were 110 floors.
It was a bizarre experience, standing at the entrance looking up, you couldn't see the top because it was so high it was out of sight.
Ask yourself: WHY is someone blowing the "importance" of Bldg 7 out of all proportion when it's the Twin Towers that's actually controversial?
There's an Agenda there.
How do you take down two 110 floor buildings into its own footprint?
I remember the thousands of New Yorkers lining the streets going downtown holding up signs Thanking the responders.
new? You Jewshills have lost your shit over JIDF for 5 years!
I've never had to "try to get an emotional response", that's a Jewish mindset.
must be over target, even if your dept has changed names
>You Israelis keep doubling down and you will cause the innocent to suffer with the guilty.
I don't even know what the fuck that means.
Only a Jew would say that.
Wow - TWIN TOWERS magically falling into its own footprint was not an "inside job".
All the Jews who got the Jew Call that morning was not an "inside job".
The "Plane flying into the Pentagon" with no Plane debris on the ground was not an "inside job."
You SUCK at Jewis h Gaslighting.
That does not look like a 7 story building, it's way taller than the surrounding buildings.
Liar Liar Yarmulke on Fire
Wow. ADL Pamphlet. this explains exactly what these Jewshills have been doing the last 3 days.
thanks fren
That does not look like it's only 7 floors high. It's way too much taller than the surrounding office bldgs.
I know it's the Tower. People jumping to their death from the Twin Towers is moar important than the EMPTY bldg 7 being demolished in an announced on all local media demolition.
These Jewish IDF/ADL shills keep deflecting in a lame attempt to mind fuck anons into focusing on bldg 7 in which NO ONE DIED.
Don't think about WHO killed 2,600 people that day in the Twin Towers.
Oh, the Jewshill retards are trying the "divert attention from Zionist Jews and MOSSAD collapsing the Twin Towers and killed 2,700 Gentiles."
Not fooling anyone.
No Anon wonders still why the Jewish shills are pushing this now. Ideas?
Look how hard Jewshills are shilling bldg 7. Three nights in a row. Why?
Zionist Jews and Israel must be afraid now that they're seeing how Americans are NOT supporting Israeli Jews killing civilians, women, children in Gaza, and actual babies dying in incubators because the Israelis bombed the al-Shifa Hospital.
Jews must be TERRIFIED that as moar truth about the Jewish Cabal's Crimes against Humanity - when the Truth about WHO killed nearly 3,000 Americans on 9-11, which benefited Jews and Israeli Jews….
The Wave of Rage coming their way will be a Tsunami, and no amount of kvetching "anit-Semitic" will stop it because it will become a Badge of Honor for a Jew to call you "anti-Semitic".
Let's see if tomorrow night, these Jewshills will do Jewish Gaslighting Bldg. 7 again.
Listen again to that video of Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL saying: "We have a major, major, major problem."
The Jewshill Team 666 is out in force.
They've gotta scrub 9-11.
You should be scared.
btw there aren't any newfags here. Your Jewish Gaslighting doesn't work on oldfags.