Anonymous ID: 25187d Nov. 17, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19932718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When Texas sends out more illegal alien busses, I say make San Francisco, LA, and San Diego the preferred destinations.


After that, Seattle, Denver, and Portland. Make them eat their words!!!


Finally put Chicago on the list. After dealing with a few Chicago weapons-free weekends, the illegals may just make like ET and just want to go home.



Anonymous ID: 25187d Nov. 17, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.19933050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For those who want a historical perspective regarding just how long C1A, FB!, the "fami1y" and etc. have been lying to the American people, try searching for the YT vids and other streaming sources for the people who (not think, anymore) KNOW that JFK and Dallas was a conspiracy and that Oswald was the designated patsy.


Skip all the vids that try to prove the magic bullet theory and all the shills who still say Oswald acted along. Whether Oswald was on the kill team or not, his name/description was on the Dallas police radios so quickly after the event, imo, he was always the designated patsy.


Some say he actually did work for the C1A - the defection to Russia after he left the corps was just the first part of his assignment. Whether there is a paper trail on that or not, either does not exist anymore, or will not be released during our lifetimes. So take all that with a grain of salt.


Two things to search to get you headed in an alternate direction: on YT, search for "the men who killed kennedy" - this is a multipart British documentary that contains some garbage, but pay close attention to the episodes that discuss:


The Texas/LBJ connection - LBJ had a fixer in his entourage that supposedly got LBJ out of trouble multiple times. One theory says this fixer's partial fingerprint was found on the 6th floor of the TSBD. LBJ was also backed by a powerful Texas law firm. The weekend before Dealy Plaza, LBJ was at a party that had both J Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon as well as some Texas elite as guests. LBJ told his mistress at the party that the @#$% Kennedy's would never disrespect him again. LBJ's mistress understood that something bad was about to happen, and she was certain if LBJ wasn't in on the planning, he knew about it and helped cover it up. WH insiders said they had found out about a lot of LBJ's past bad acts and were getting ready to dump LBJ from the ticket in 1964. They were also getting ready to have LBJ indicted. (motive?)


According to the Brit doc, Oswald also had a mistress who the C1A was using to develop a "shot" to give Castro cancer. The mistress said she met Oswald through C1A connections and Oswald told her of the danger to JFK and he was trying to prevent it. (again you be the judge).


Another of the Brit doc episodes talks about a master reconstruction tech who worked for a Texas funeral home who was suspiciously called in after Dealy Plaza and suddenly had an income for life that bankrolled his Vegas gambling habit. The implication is - this was the guy who changed the wounds on JFK to support the lone gunman theory and to hide the frangible bullet shot from the grassy knoll.


Also look for the videos from any of the Parkland docs and also the videos of the closest secret service agent, the one who ran up to the car when Jackie was on the back trying to retrieve a hunk of JFK's skull and brain that flew out from the grassy knoll head shot.


Also check the videos that discuss Jack Ruby and his association with the m@ffia and even Oswald. The plan was to make certain Oswald would not be able to talk and seal his fate as the patsy lone gunman.


One theory says that the m@ffia often did the C1A's dirty work, and that the family was none too happy with the Kennedy's anyway, because Joe Kennedy convinced the Chicago mob to rig the Illinois vote for 1960 president so JFK would win over Nixon. Later, RFK, as AG, would start stinging organized crime hard. The mob saw this as a direct betrayal. Of course the C1A was pissed about Cuba and the perceived lack of support from JFK for the Bay of Pigs invasions. Others were not pleased with JFK's plan to get out of Vietnam early and for all time.


So there is plenty for every conspiracy nut here: C1A, Texas power behind LBJ, m@ffia, the so called military industrial complex, and so on.


Also check the stories on the Nix film. There was a movie camera on the other side of the street that may have caught the gun fire from behind the fence next to the grassy knoll. The original film was "lost" and now only poor quality copies are all that were released.


Which ever side of this you want to be on, there is a lot of information that has been put together since the fake Warren Report (the planned white wash to keep the country from insisting on a nuclear war with Cuba and/or Russia in retaliation). A lot makes sense to me, but since so much has been covered up, you should make up your own opinions.


What we are seeing now (fake Trump investigations and the like) are the results of the so-called politically elite literally getting away with murder for about 60 years. They have been getting away with it for a long time.