What a hideous cunt
Iraq told the US to GTFO long ago. Reap what you sow.
Oh fuck. Tomorrow will be 9/11 again.
needs a black eye
So, it seems everything is notable, so that's good, right?
I did nazi that coming.
Get the rope.
>I will release a new video every 24 hours to ensure every aspect of the ceremony is exposed.
Muh clicks tho.
Dump the lot faggit.
my retort was to the article not to you directly. We might be frens.
Just when you thought the intelligence services couldn't get anymore fucktarded. They excel yet again.
Politicians answering truthfully is now a disinfo campaign.
German spies issue warning over Russian pranksters – Bild
"You'd be in Jail"
to keep them in 1 piece when the bombs go off?