Anonymous ID: 1ee052 Nov. 17, 2023, 5:31 p.m. No.19934398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1900 or The Last President

Interesting 1st 3 chapters only read of the book: Comparisons, mathematical and date correlations with Bidan & Obama. I’m only through the first three chapters.NUMBERED OBSERVATIONS IN NOTES:


"Chapter I: That was a terrible night for the great City of New York—the night of Tuesday, November 3rd, 1896. The city staggered under the blow like a huge ocean liner which plunges, full speed, with terrific crash into a mighty iceberg, and recoils shattered and trembling like an aspen… “Altgeld holds Illinois hard and fast in the Democratic line. This elects Bryan President of the United States!” he entire East side is in a state of uproar. Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists.. Extinguish all lights.”


  1. This is the weirdest thing of all: In this 48 page book:

o I search for the first name of President Bryan, it is no where in the book,this guy has NO first name, he is only called “Bryan” or “President”.

o The name Mr. Bryan or Bryan, was mentioned 14 times total, and never after Chapter VII

o I searched for “President Bryan” and no where is those two in the book

o I searched for the word “President” and it was mentioned 33 times total.


  1. Upon the election of President Bryan, he brought with him a vast move of Anarchists and Socialists–Sound exactly like Obama and Bidan


Presidential Election in America-Bidan Nov. 3, 2020 2020

Presidential Election in America-Byron Nov. 3, 1896 -1896

Years between the elections 124


3.DATE OF 1896 and 2020 election, exactly the same. Comparison of Byran’s election in “The last President”


  1. First initial with Bryan and Bidan is “B”, but if the r was changed to d in Bryan’s name, it would sound like Biden


CHAPTER II. “Chicago is mad, but it is the madness of joy. Chicago is in the hands of a mob, but it is a mob made up of her own people—noisy, rude and… He was there. The master spirit to hold them in leash. He, and he alone, had lifted Bryan to his great eminence. Without these twenty-four electoral votes, Bryan had been doomed, hopelessly doomed. He, and he alone, held the great Commonwealth of the West hard and fast in the Democratic line; hence he came as conqueror, as King-maker,


  1. New York were violent riots at the election of Bryan, but Chicago was not!Seems like Obama, he’s from Chicago and rigging elections reference: Because the King Maker, in 1896 he got Bryan 24 Electoral votes, in 2020 he got Bidan 124 electoral vote


  1. Difference of Electoral Votes 1896 to 2020: Biden 306 Trump 232 difference 174


“As King-maker, as he was dragged through the crowded streets by this orderly mob… bellowed his name and shook their hats aloft in mad exultation:“You’re our Saviour, you’ve cleaned the Temple of Libertyof its foul horde of usurers. We salute you. We call you King-maker. Bryan shall call you Master too. You shall have your reward. You shall stand behind the throne. Your wisdom shall make us whole. You shall save the Republic. You are greater than Washington. You’re a better friend of ours than Lincoln”.


  1. More Obama References:Calling him a Savior, Master comparing him to Jesus Christ


CHAPTER IV:”There had been a strange prophecy put forth by some one, and it had made its way into the daily journals, and had been laughingly or seriously commented upon, according to the political tone of the paper, or the passing humor of the writer,that the 4th of March, 1897, would never dawn upon the American people. There was something very curious and uncanny about the prediction, and what actually happened was not qualified to loosen the fearful tension of public anxiety, for the day literally and truly never dawned upon the City of Washington, and well deserves its historical name, the “Dawnless Day.” But although it was a cheerless gray day, even at high noon, its heaviness set no weight upon the spirits of the jubilant tens of thousands…Not until the day previous had the President announced the names of those selected for his Cabinet”


  1. In the book onMarch 4, 1897there was released a prophecy, vs in the year of 2024 on TuesdayMarch 5, 2024 there will be 15 State Primaries for President Elections