Anonymous ID: 9227d2 Nov. 17, 2023, 8:02 p.m. No.19935056   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The resurrection of Russia and the multipolar world prevented the New World Order


"Now we are stepping into a new phase. The XXI century promises to be a very different era.


The multipolar world that is rising in these days would see the resurgence of national States.


Itโ€™s the opposite process that we experienced in the last century and certainly Russia through his foreign policy sped up this new phase.


Certainly, there is a key element in this analysis that cannot be overruled. The US empire stopped enforcing its role when Trump became President.


The United States went from being an international power to a national power. The political spectrum of Washington has been more focused on protecting its national interests rather than the ones of globalist and Zionist lobbies.


This shift in Americaโ€™s priorities perfectly matched the plan of Russia and the Ukraine war is a decisive phase in the conclusion of this twenty years vision.


NATO itself is perfectly aware that after the fall of Zelensky, the old unipolar world will be gone.


Its general secretary openly said that it would be a โ€œtragedyโ€ if Russia wins the war.


Certainly, a tragedy for those who hoped to reshape the world and turn into the global dictatorship of the New World Order.


On the contrary, for those who hope to see a world where national States and their traditions are restored it will be a moment of great excitement.


Until a few years ago, several people around the world regretted living in this sad era with the incoming bugbear of the Great Reset.


The failure of the WEF plan that aimed to drag mankind towards this global dictatorship has changed everything and now the possibility to see a more balanced and just world seems to be really at hand.


If we take all this into consideration, the times that we are living are certainly the most interesting and exciting and we should feel be privileged to live them."


