Anonymous ID: c04b2a Nov. 17, 2023, 8:47 p.m. No.19935271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5368


>When I was a kid in the 90s we didn't have the numbers, but it's a new game now.

typical myopic gen Y self-aggrandizing crap

ever heard of woodstock?

in the sixties, there were FAR greater numbers of young people rebelling

that was because of the military draft

young people were HIGHLY motivated to understand what REALLY goes on in the world

why do you think (You) know that the gulf of tonkin incident was a FF?

young people of that generation dug out the truth and spread the word

and yet, you see where all that ended up


the DS was caught WAY off guard

(they're really not very smart)

but what they lack in foresight they make up for with the kind of perserverence that comes from limitless resources

and a network of minions like the tentacles of a monstrous cephalopod

they may not be very bright, but they do NOT make the same mistake twice

corporations took total control of organic music, which was the internet of it's day

they erased music with any real message and replaced it with disKo and "ya gotta fight for your right to partay" schlock

and the war in vietnam ended AND the draft ended

the youth thought they had won

the battle perhaps, but not the war

while superficial victories were celebrated

the DS got back to its work of mind control with a vengence

and before you know it, the rebels were busy having kids and raising families and worrying about bills

it happen BEFORE the sixties, too

they were not the first generation to realize there was something rotten in denmark

at least THEY were aware of that fact

THEY had a sense of history that is almost entirely extinguished in the generations that followed

thanks to renewed and accelerated efforts to control public education

now we have narcissistic youth who genuinely believe "they" are the first to "discover" everything they were told is a lie

to me, THAT is the saddest part of this "movie"

Anonymous ID: c04b2a Nov. 17, 2023, 9:13 p.m. No.19935383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>then why is it WWIII

bcs it's ROMAN NUMERALS, asshat

"I" from Insurrection is NOT roman numerals

it's the LETTER "I"

stop embarrassing yourself, fuckwit

oh wait, you're a soulless mindless shill or a shatbot

and embarrassment is not possible for you

what a loss, as it's the most effective motivation for LEARNING

guess that's why you will forever remain a CLUELESS fucktard