Freedom of Speech, Pharoah.
So once the Public gets done lynchmobbing Tim Ballard's Rich Blackmailed Targets, do we have some Rainbow Girls ready to step up and completely eliminate Men from the Government so Karen can finally ascend to the Holy of Holies of the High Priest of Israel?
Anon canx Broadcast and Cable/Sat "TV" a few years ago. It's now pretty easy to spot who still "watches the news" by whatever they're all worked up about that has nothing to do with them personally.
Anon believes there's no coincidence that the Q source for the Books of Matthew and Luke is called The Q Source.
The Wisdom
You "learn to read the MAP" by studying THE LEGEND(s).
A Continuous line of wisdom carried for 2K+ years.
By a "body" that changed names and uniforms, but still got assigned the same shit duties…of torturing prisoners to death FOR AMMO in an information war, alá GTMO.
Abrahamism is a Marriage Cult
The "unto death do us part" part, makes it a Death Cult.
The Moonies are a Marriage Cult
So are the Catholics
And the Mormons
And the Muslims
And the Jews
And the Hindus
Yadda yadda yadda…
Freedom isn't the BONDAGE of holy matrimony.
Like 2033 isn't important and only 10 years away.
How long do you think they have been planning the end of 2000 years of Jesus hanging in the Cross?
When will Jesus be freed?
Just like the NSA "doesn't exist"
>There is nothing more precious than our children
"Our Children"
Freedom from Darkness
Liberty and Justice for All has to include people who you think BELONG to you, and NOT to GOD.
Fuck off cat.
Nobody hauls you to prison for pissing in the front yard in front of the neighbors.
Only humans.
Indecent Exposure is some hokey Purtinnical Nazi Muslim Horseshit.
Blind yourselves Bitches.
Sexual innuendo, having been suppressed by the Religious authorities through The CrowNs, for many Centuries is bound to reappear in earnest once people understand they are free to speak without being burned at the stake (quorum meeting) by the Morality Police.
Fuckin Knipperdollings
Berndt at The Stake meeting
. A follower of the preacher Bernhard Rothmann, in 1528 he showed his colours as a "bold and proud" Protestant by suing the Catholic Münster town council and the Bishop Franz von Waldeck at the Imperial Court of Justice. His position as guild leader meant he had the financial and political support of the guilds.
In January 1534, wandering Dutch Anabaptist preachers arrived in Münster proclaiming that a new prophet was on his way. They were soon followed by the "prophet" himself, the baker Jan Matthys of Haarlem. Knipperdolling became a passionate believer.
On February 10, 1534, Knipperdolling joined the movement to overthrow the town council and bishop, along with Jan Matthys and Jan Bockelson (or John of Leiden), one of Matthys' twelve disciples. He rallied the Anabaptists against conservative forces with "frenzied ecstasies". Accepted by the council, Knipperdolling won the elections of February 24, 1534, becoming Lord Mayor of Münster – this was the high point of the Anabaptist movement. His house became the centre of the Anabaptist movement; on January 15, 1534 the first believers' baptisms were performed there.
When Matthys made his demand for the execution of all "godless" citizens of Münster, Knipperdolling convinced him to allow people a week's time to be baptised, or leave the city. This avoided arousing international opposition against Münster and risking internal stability.
Knipperdolling organised military defenses against the Bishop's troops. He was also made chief executioner to the Twelve Judges; as chief executive he balanced out Bockelson, the Judges' spokesman. He was in charge of executions, "immigration officer", and the administrator of state property. Some of Matthys' policies went against Knipperdolling's best interests, such as the dissolution of the guilds and the confiscation of private property.
Mr Burns…
More Cheese
Public Schools are SOCIALIZED education and Indoctrination centers.
Government and Religion are different names for the same thing.
How come none of you datedags are talking about 04/17/33?
"Everything you have been taught is a lie"
The (marriage) Cult Controls the World.