shill detected
glows like chernobyl
many cases are simply the tired mother has killed her newborn by smothering it
society will not acknowledge this truth due to the breakdown in society it would cause
filtered for shilling the same crap every day
filtered ironically
>expressed interest in aliens
Clinton just wanted to know if he could fuck ET or stick a cigar up the alien's wang hole
night nite Qanoner
filtered for violent verbiage
butthurt noted
do you want more shills?
thank you
are you scared,glowie?
Gnostics were pretty much wiped out by the RC church unfortunately
literally wiped out in crusades,men women and children
what a gay faggot
images 404
who is the tranny on the left in a dress?
thanks dude
>talks about the Abrahamic religions, but never questions Judaism.
misdirection,it's what they do,every time
the moderna and pfizer juice altered vaxxie dna forever
no refunds
vaxxies are now mutants,no longer fully human
in an EMP attack your HAM radio will be fried and useless unless it has been shielded beforehand in a faraday cage
muggles and mudbloods I guess
if the tainted dna vaxxies are now no longer a human in God's image,then I would infer they are no longer connected to God