Anonymous ID: 8f64e3 Nov. 18, 2023, 7:44 p.m. No.19940321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19940062 (lb)


Of course, a person can inflame and inspire at the same time. No one is perfect, and even if you try to inspire people all the time, circumstances change, and your enemies can make it difficult.


I think President Trump does both just like anyone else. My problem is with the people who think when HE does it, it's ALWAYS intentional.


People like the one you are talking about, take advantage of people with reasoning skills. I assume he didn't cite specific instances, but if he did, they would need to be evaluated individually and in context before someone could form a somewhat educated opinion. Whether something is inspirational or inflammatory is often subjective, and based on the presuppositions of the one doing the judging.


Constructive criticism can appear inflammatory and sometimes inflammatory statements can be veiled as constructive criticism, and we are not all always going to agree about it.


We all need to brush up on logical fallacies and teach them to our children and grandchildren.These books (pics related) are great for adults and kids to get started and really good Christmas presents.