Anonymous ID: f2b893 Nov. 18, 2023, 10:39 p.m. No.19940819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0867

The current world has many many problems, that only two things can resolve the dilemma, yet are of the same type of solution and that is by "Fire". There is a consuming fire and an intellectual fire. Because mankind is lazy and takes the shortest path first, they violate the welfare of others to the point of conflict. Laziness leads to greed, and greed leads to consuming drunkenness, until resistance arises to defend it's very life. Then comes a consuming fire and the drunkards takes the shortest path yet again to rile up proxies to fight on their behalf with words of the soothsayers and their empty promises. The world has to wake up to being a proxy expendable tool because the consuming fire now must consume both the proxies until they reach the soothsayers.


An intellectual fire does not consume nor burns, but fills it's vessels with it's own countenance until understanding binds minds in reason devoid of excuses. An intellectual fire works proactively to distribute it's virtues by way of example regardless of external realities and hardships because it recognizes the value of self as the cost in wages and wages are always due. The lazy owe nothing, the laborers owe a days labor. One rests the other never rests until God's Kingdom comes.


You are in our thoughts and prayers, especially the lazy.