Anonymous ID: 21c54e Nov. 19, 2023, 4:46 a.m. No.19941699   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1713

"And there is just one reason that we fought on the side of evil. It was because that was the Jewish side.


In the years before the war Hitler wasn’t rounding up people by the thousands and shooting them the way the communists were. Hitler wasn’t shooting anybody. His SS troops weren’t raping or terrorizing anyone either. Hitler was doing one thing which resulted in a huge, lying hate-propaganda effort against him from Hollywood. That one thing was Hitler’s campaign to break the grip of the Jews on Germany.


In Germany Hitler took the news and entertainment media away from the Jews. He kicked them out of the legal profession, which they had monopolized. He kicked them out of the teaching profession, where they had been pumping their ideas into the heads of German children. And Hitler did all of this peacefully, non-violently. He didn’t round Jews up and shoot them. He simply made it illegal for them to own German newspapers and German radio stations. He made it illegal for them to practice law or to teach in German schools.


And so the Jews were leaving Germany. Between 1933 and 1939 two-thirds of the Jews in Germany emigrated. At the same time Jewish commissars in the Soviet Union were butchering millions of people. But the hate propaganda coming out of Hollywood was entirely anti-German, not anti-Soviet. The Jews’ only concern was the welfare of their fellow Jews. They didn’t care how many Russians or Ukrainians were murdered. But they screeched at the top of their lungs when Hitler took the German media away from them.


And they lied to the American people about what was happening in Europe. They lied in order to try to make us hate the Germans the way they did.



The fact is that Hollywood’s lies about Germany led to millions of White Americans and Europeans being slaughtered solely for the sake of punishing the Germans for throwing the Jews out of Germany. And we are put at a great disadvantage even today by those same lies, because they prevent so many of us from examining the past honestly. And if we cannot understand what happened in the past, we are much less likely to choose a wise course into the future."


Dr. William Pierce,

Media Myths, 1998.