Anonymous ID: 33edf8 Nov. 19, 2023, 1:25 a.m. No.19941112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1127



Well, if CERN is a drill, then it's drilling timelines.

Alice as bit, suggests a program of monitoring, predicting and controlling timelines.

Clumsily, given that CERN is a crude effort by a species that really shouldn't be messing with this.


I'm sure lots of hints have been dropped about Alice and Alice in Wonderland. Those I recall were related to Hillary and Saudi Arabia, IIRC. This seems a different meaning.




Pic is heavily distorted. Reads:




bottom text is difficult to make out:



main imagery:

Morpheus redpill face in octagon ray burst

surrounding images:

top left yoda, top right laughing joker

bottom indistinguishable


Someone else can take a crack at it.


The obfuscation is presumably to defeat AI monitoring, and/or to reduce spiritual liability for timeline tampering. Blatantly revealing Cabal depopulation activities would be construed as an act of war by the Cabal's non-human backers. A shadow war occurs instead, much like how human nations avoid nuclear war via MAD.

Anonymous ID: 33edf8 Nov. 19, 2023, 3:18 a.m. No.19941370   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The Cabal plan is to depopulate, transhumanize and hybridize humanity. Reptilians will want a slice, but I doubt they can get their numbers up quickly. The Grays are the successor species. Their need for this planet is dire. They're part of the Insectoid hierarchy, under the Mantises, who command literal and figurative Locusts, and can manufacture the Endless Swarm at will, in arbitrary configurations. They've been massing and adapting underground for quite awhile, in cooperation with governments and Cabal. Cattle abductions related.


So the Cabal will form the ruling hierarchy of hybrids on a stable Earth with a small sustainable population of human hybrids, while the Grays do the gruntwork previously performed by the plebs.


Grays are happy to serve, so long as they can fix their spiritual development bottleneck by redoing their time as low-tech surface-dwellers. They don't even want all the emotions that might make them rebellious slaves; they fear disunity above all else due to their nuclear war formative trauma.


Not sure where the CERN portal drills to; maybe the Ant People's domain is where the Locusts are staging? Or maybe it's sometime elsewhen.




Thanks for the hint, and written with such delicate opsec too; just a quotation!


Do those tales of Faerie mounds refer to the underground complexes of the short Grays, AKA the Ant People? I think of them as Dark Elves.


They and their overlords are eager for fresh young humans to steal and hybridize. Also to leave their changelings on the surface, to weave their threads of fate with ours, reviving their shattered race.


Do I paint with too broad a brush? The Ant People have helped humanity survive cataclysms in the past. One doubts they are divided, but there are certainly many kinds of Gray.

Anonymous ID: 33edf8 Nov. 19, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.19941581   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Shill(s) began aggressively sliding the forum once the topic of the CERN Locust invasion was broached, going so far as to burn a long-time poster persona on cannon-posting.