Anonymous ID: 9da6bb Nov. 19, 2023, 8:11 a.m. No.19942908   🗄️.is 🔗kun


look on the "Pronoia" side; If you aren't trained, you have "beginner's mind"

Your thoughts are free of interferance of "what you are told"

Can be a feature, not a bug

Through most of history only a small minority have been advanced literate.

Reading and Writing only works if you can think and have an opportunity to use it.

Think of all the failed college graduates in the FB 1?


>>19939734 pb

>>19939426 pb

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>>19939969 pb

>>19939985 pb


regarding the dig from yesterday, on North Korea / Clintons / image from "Q"

(The meme that is a side by side of the two N. Korea Images which are staged

similarly? Haven't found that one yet in the q archive resource)

When I went on Q! drop Pub


and searched the image that I had found of the second NK image - featuring leaders of NK posted by "Q" ?


A Q" post came up and I'm unsure why, since it doesn't appear to display the image in question


There's a typo on that Q post:

"Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land."




missing an "N"


A missing "N" - surely it's been mentioned before; any know where the extra "N" is?


>>19942735 lb

too funny

gotta share that

MOCK up.